Controversy is spreading over plans in several Africa countries to re-introduce DDT, as part of malaria control efforts, In Malawi the tobacco industry has now weighed in to oppose the return of the pesticide.
Two years ago the World Health Organization

Here's the nut
In a nutshell, use DDT and we environmentalists will spread the word that your tobacco is contaminated with DDT, and scare the hell out of the countries that buy your tobacco -- Typical environmental Marxism. What that means is laughable, DDT was sprayed and used, even in the U.S. for years, with no harmful effects. It was only after the spraying of DDT become successful in pushing back the scourge of mosquitoes and the diseases they caused, did the left seize on banning DDT to prevent people from living in otherwise uninhabitable regions of the U.S because of mosquitoes.
And this is where Rachael Carson came in, with her book silent spring, and the lies told in it. Pseudo-science at it's grandest. And hence began the modern era of scaremongering using pseudo-science as a club. The latest chapter of which is the global warming hoax.
A little history and science goes a long way
During WWII, shortly after DDT was discovered, soldiers used to bath in the stuff, wash their clothes with it, and basically lather up with the 'deadly DDT'. Turns out it was not deadly at all and after some 30 years of use, the U.S. EPA banned it -- With no science to back it up. Remember back then the lefties controlled the media, the drive-by parrot was thriving and the propaganda stuck.
Sometimes change is good
With a half dead drive-by parrot media, things change -- Now days, even the World Health Organization cannot continue the ban when there is no scientific proof of harm. DDT remains the most effective way to control malaria. WHO studied the issue for 30 years, and found no cause for alarm.
It is believed that over 30 million African children have died of deadly malaria since the ban on manufacturing went into effect in the U.S.
If you want to read up on Rachael Carson and the lies she told, I suggest you go here -- Or just go to the WHO site referenced above.
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