Monday, April 28, 2008

Wright's Hate Filled Sermon

This Rev Wright sermon was given on April 13, 2003. Notice the audience reaction..

Cherry picked? It wasn't. This is the whole sermon. You pick the context.

Remember the church sold these as DVDs of great sermons from the church pulpit. Notice the nice native African dress, part of the whole Black Liberation Theology get up I would guess. Why would Barrack Hussein Obama sit there for over 20 years and listen to a preacher that spews this kind of loony hate. -- Anyone have a decent answer for that?

This is interesting, the church is so focused on race and Black Liberation Theology that even the Bible characters are all black at Trinity United Church.

Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ focuses on Black Liberation Theology. The windows of the church display different characters of the Bible. Above is what appears to be the black Moses.

And, here is what appears to be the black Jesus turning water into wine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting that you focus on the layout of the church and not the actual comments that Wright actually makes. So what if the bible characters are black. If we were to travel to a predominately white church, where questionable views were made would you point out that bible characters were white? While I don't agree with everything that Wright says, let’s not totally disregard everything that he said, despite the tone of his message. The US has done numerous despicable acts for various reasons (manifest destiny, freedom and democracy, security, economic reasons, etc.). I love this country and have seen a lot of the rest of the world, but we are not perfect and should be able to accept criticism of how other have been treated by us? Before any starts loading up on Wright, I think that whether there is any validity to his comments should be explored. With all that said what exactly did he say that offended you so much?

Also, I love how you point out Obama’s middle name. When you mention Bush on this site do you use him middle name as well? Seems like you have a bias from the start.