Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Obama Capmpaign, On The Way Down

It was fun while it lasted, all that empty change and hope nonsense. In the end, an old fashioned worn out campaign about race politics, bitterness and Marxism, it always ends the same way. Even President Daniel Ortega, who led the 1979 revolution in Nicaragua, says Barack Obama's presidential bid is a "revolutionary" phenomenon in the United States -- Was this Marxist feeling the tingle down his leg too.

But then the inevitable, a campaign about race politics always leads to the same place
The rally at Sharpton's office was followed by a 20-block march down Malcolm X Boulevard and then across 125th Street, Harlem's main business thoroughfare, where some bystanders yelled out "Kill the police!"

Fifty of the marchers carried white placards bearing big black numbers for each of the police bullets fired at Bell and his friends.

Sharpton urged people to return for a meeting this coming week "to plan the day that we will close this city down" with the kind of "massive civil disobedience" once led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

"They never accused Sean Bell of doing anything. Then why is he dead?" Sharpton asked, his voice roaring with anger. Authorities "have shown now that they will not hold police accountable. Well, guess what? If you won't, we will!"

"Shut it down! Shut it down!" the crowd chanted, standing up and applauding wildly.

I lived in the South in the late 50s, and I can tell you from first hand knowledge, well I was a young teen but still aware enough to be scared s**tless by the antics of the KKK, and Democrat race politics has always been bad news.

As the Clintons know, and their long time mentor undoubtedly told them, you do remember Clinton's mentor don't you -- The segregationist Sen Fulbright -- Race politics leads to the same place, the streets, hatred and blame, followed by the inevitable grievances and their accompanying reparations and remediations.

Bonus question, why do Democrats love Marxists and Marxists love Democrats?

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