Monday, April 28, 2008

Global Warming Update

Global Warming Update

What with catastrophic global warming proceeding at such an alarming rate, regular updates are required for people to stay up to date on our planet's sweltering doom. From Science Daily:

The Antarctic deep sea is getting colder, which might stimulate the circulation of the oceanic water masses. This is the first result of the Polarstern expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association that has just ended in Punta Arenas/Chile. At the same time satellite images from the Antarctic summer have shown the largest sea-ice extent on record.

Ninety percent of the ice currently on this planet is in the Antarctic region. If ice is growing there, that means we can forget about the rising seas scenario Al Gore and the environmental whacka-doodles have used to frighten money out of the gullible.

So far the only tangible symptom of the global warming crisis is rising food prices caused by the biofuels boondoggle and rising fuel prices because the very same whacka-doodles won't allow any more drilling and refining — Unless you count global warming having killed the Loch Ness Monster.

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