Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Are UFO's & Aliens a Government Conspiracy?

Jackson also detailed this meeting in a blog entry earlier this month, writing:

I went to a six hour briefing in Washington D.C. last week. Thirty eight government representatives were invited. Fifteen showed up. Slides, photos, names, dates and documents were shown overhead proving that the Muslim Brotherhood, not only planned the “Arab Spring” and Libyan take over, but has infiltrated our highest government positions, schools, courts and military and is even making policy.
Does the Bible have the real answer to alien abductions? What about Area 51, UFOs, crop circles, Roswell, etc.?

Introducing the PolitiChicks!

As we all know, Conservatives have few outlets in the media. Other than Fox News and a few talk radio shows, Conservatives are greatly outnumbered. TV talk shows and news programs are inundated with liberal robots spewing their hatred toward all-things-Conservative; so the folks at Patriot Update have created an alternative.
On Tuesday, November 15, Patriot Update launched a brand new website called PolitiChicks.TV which will be devoted entirely to Conservative politics, Conservative arts and entertainment and much more.

While her statements are being dismissed, and those who spoke at the event she’s referencing have been scrutinized, Jackson isn’t the first person to question whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the American government. In August, self-described liberal Marxist Tarek Fatah‘swarned that the Muslim Brotherhood was attempting to embed itself in American government.
He said, “Instead of bringing victory over the fascist forces of the Muslim Brotherhood, we now recognize that their infiltration is right up to the American White House, but we can’t say that.”
More here:
Hey whatever .....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Store clerk knocks armed robber out cold

Easily the most devastating knockout blow since Tim Pawlenty punched himself in the face by whiffing on “ObamneyCare” at that debate.

Pro-Gingrich group up with first ad in Iowa

Winning Our Future, an outside group backing Newt Gingrich for president, is up with a new ad in Iowa pushing back against those in the "Republican establishment" seeking to derail his campaign.

"The Republican establishment wants to pick our candidate," says the ad's narrator. "When a principled conservative took the lead they outspent Newt Gingrich 20 to 1, attacking him with falsehoods."

The ad then promotes Gingrich's conservative bona fides.

"Don't let the liberal Republican establishment pick our candidate," the ad closes.

Watch it here:

Mall Of America Brawl Riot Over Rumors Of Lil Wayne Drake! (Chairs Get Thrown)

Lots of things come to mind. Always have extra ammo, readily accessible.

We had a mall shooting a few days back ...

The Best In Online Comedy 2011

The undisputed best digital short out of the Lonely Island this year? "Jack Sparrow," featuring an especially wonderful Michael Bolton.

It might not make any sense either ...

Drew Ryniewicz — One of the "X Factor" standouts, Drew also has the fact that Simon Cowell is her mentor going for her. If anyone understands how to make a singer famous, it's that guy.

Drew Ryniewicz - What A Feeling - X Factor USA (Live L.A.)

The original Flash Dance video with Jennifer Beals performing ...

Here is the original 1983 song, by Irene Cara


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Frog gets smartphone game rage

Despite a successful run catching 'ants' on his owner's smartphone, an African bullfrog soon tires of the virtual snacks and bites down on something more substantial ...

Bearded Dragon tries it.

An Occupy Scranton Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2011

American Crossroads: "Great"

And For The Holidays, The One

Yap yap yap, hey it's easier than doing something.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Epic ‘B.S. of A.’ Musical Celebration: ‘Glenn Beck’s Going to Texas’ (Warning: Contains Actual Singing by Glenn Beck)

Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved


“Is he a socialist?” asks FOX News’s blunt television host Bill O’Reilly.

“I prefer to use the term that ‘he’s just over his head,’” the former governor of Massachusetts responds with what he must have thought was a safe answer.

While some analysts would applaud Romney’s refusal to out-and-out accuse the president of being a “socialist,” other commentators would disagree with this tactic.
Back in March, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said the following:
So the presidential campaign, here’s the question. You got an incumbent, Barack Hussein Obama. Does the Republican nominee focus on what we all believe to be true, the guy’s got a different view of the American tradition than all the rest of us? Do we say…Obama as anti-traditional American values, do we say this guy is a socialist, this guy’s models consist of Marx and Alinsky, do we go that way, do we point that out?
Or do we say to ourselves, you know what, most people don’t want to think that about their president. There‘s such reverence for the office that people don’t want to think that even if they admit that they made a mistake in voting for the guy, they don‘t want to think that they’ve elected somebody who is essentially an enemy of traditional American founding values…
In other words, do we depersonalize this and strictly focus the reelection campaign in the opposition to Obama on policy or do we go full bore and warn the American people why his policies are what they are?
I dare say that if you are of the camp that wants to hear the Republican presidential nominee talk about the guy’s a socialist, the guy doesn’t believe in traditional American founding values, that you’re gonna be sad and disappointed. You’re not gonna have a candidate say that. The candidate is gonna accept that Obama’s a legitimate American politician, a legitimate president, just got totally cockeyed policies. We’re gonna hear policy this, policy that, that‘s why we’re in the dumper.
Based on the widespread assumption that Mitt Romney will be the GOP presidential nominee, and based on his answers during the O’Reilly segment, it would appear that Limbaugh’s prediction was spot-on accurate.

Congress Forbidden to Wish Merry Christmas on Tax Payer Dime

Monday, December 19, 2011

Canonball Gerbil

The things 'people' do -- audio of a news story about 2 guys having a bit of fun with a gerbil

Felching with a "Gerbil"

Ban Light, See The Darkness

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Progressive: Mitt Romney on RomneyCare vs. ObamaCare

This isn't a video from the Waaayyyyy Back Machine. It was last year.

Romney says the similarities that he likes between RomneyCare and ObamaCare are the "incentives"? As Ben notes, incentives=individual mandate and the fine for not having insurance.

So what we are left with is Mitt saying last year he wouldn't repeal the similarities between RomneyCare and ObamaCare that he likes (which in this video seems to include the mandate and fine) but this year he says he'll repeal it all.

I guess we'll just have to elect him to find out what he'll do! What could go wrong?

Added: Don't forget last year a blogger reported that Romney said to him that he wouldn't repeal the mandate. Team Romney quickly knocked it down but base on this video, you have to wonder.

The Dark Knight Rises

Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' "The Dark Knight Rises" is the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.

Leading an all-star international cast, Oscar® winner Christian Bale ("The Fighter") again plays the dual role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. The film also stars Anne Hathaway, as Selina Kyle; Tom Hardy, as Bane; Oscar® winner Marion Cotillard ("La Vie en Rose"), as Miranda Tate; and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, as John Blake.

Returning to the main cast, Oscar® winner Michael Caine ("The Cider House Rules") plays Alfred; Gary Oldman is Commissioner Gordon; and Oscar® winner Morgan Freeman ("Million Dollar Baby") reprises the role of Lucius Fox.

The screenplay is written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan, story by Christopher Nolan & David S. Goyer. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Charles Roven, who previously teamed on "Batman Begins" and the record-breaking blockbuster "The Dark Knight." The executive producers are Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin De La Noy and Thomas Tull, with Jordan Goldberg serving as co-producer. The film is based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. Batman was created by Bob Kane.

Top 5 Sporty Cars reviewed, driven and tested

Fun starts at 11:30

The Ultrabook

Intel is aiming to re-invent mobile computing once again with the upcoming introduction of the Ultrabook; marrying the best of PCs and tablets providing the most complete and satisfying of these experiences in one device.

Justice Dept. Sues Arizona Sheriff in Civil Rights Probe

Perry defends ...

Who Won the GOP Debate?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christopher Hitchens: Bah, Humbug on Christmas

"Christopher Hitchens: Bah, Humbug on Christmas"

Hitchens died today, after a few years fighting cancer.

I Wonder What's In There?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tonight's Debate -- Iowa

Watch Fox News and for the Republican presidential primary debate on Thursday night at 9 p.m. ET. 
Read more:

The Journal and KCAU-TV news teams will provide live coverage of the debate at and on Channel 9 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Join the conversation on Twitter by tweeting with the #iowadebate hashtag
Read more:

WHOA: Rush Limbaugh Just Destroyed The 'Republican Establishment'

If the GOP primary hasn't been convincing enough here is further proof we've officially entered into bizarro land.

Last night Rush Limbaugh went on Greta Van Susteren's Fox show and railed against the Republican establishment accusing them of wanting "no part of conservatism" and of dismissing conservative voters, who make up the GOP base, in an attempt to appeal to the middle and win the primary with a moderate.
Limbaugh believes the establishment has bought into the 'liberal' view of their own peril.

"The [Republican establishment] believe what the inside the Beltway philosophy is about conservatism: they're racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobe, Southern hayseed hicks. They're pro-lifers. They're embarrassing to have to go to conventions with them."

Alas, Limbaugh doesn't go so far as to name candidates names (though it's pretty clear when he describes GOP nominees as 'milquetoast' he's referring to Romney) or make clear whether he thinks Newt, who he's complimented in the past, is a true conservative (unlike Glenn Beck who's devoted significant air time of late demolishing the idea that Newt is anything but a progressive).

Perhaps Rush is hedging his bets against a totally uncertain primary outcome.
That said, if Romney gets the nomination it sounds like he may spend as much time running against Limbaugh and co. as he does against Obama

Limbaugh: First Family Early Kwanzaa Celebration – Parody

Best of TFLcar: AWD Snow vs. Summer tire Colorado Mountain mashup

It's all about the tires ...

Top 5 Serious off-road rides reviewed, driven and tested

( ) What's the best off-road ride that you can buy today? We at The fast Lane Car are lucky to drive a different car every week so we've had the chance to drive many (if not most) the best off-road rides on the market. Here are the top 5 off-road rides that we've driven in 2011.

Rush Goes on the Record with Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren

Rush goes on the Record.

New Newt ...

This was Newt's First Ad ... Newt Gingrich begins his home-stretch campaign in the nation’s first caucus state today with a new 60-second spot for Iowa television — the kind of warm, positive commercial that candidates usually use as their first introduction to voters. 

The ad itself is well-produced, and captures some of that elusive Reaganian “Morning in America” quality, very obviously the intent of his campaign team.  The music choice is also interesting.

This is Newt's 2nd ad, before tonight's Thursday debate ... Newt attacks

Newt Gingrich plans to release a new television ad Thursday, in what the campaign is describing as a bid to play up the former Speaker's refusal to go negative at a time where many of Gingrich's opponents have been on the attack. The ad's release coincides with the last Iowa debate Thursday night before voters go to the caucuses in January. 

"The advertisement builds upon Newt’s commitment to running a positive, solutions oriented campaign and sticks to his pledge not to run attack ads, while still defending against false attacks and reminding voters of Newt’s record as conservative reformer," Gingrich spokesman R.C. Hammond said in a statement.

Today HotAir's AllahPundit writesabout the harsh ... "National Review editorial: Just say no to Gingrich — and Perry"
They’re not endorsing Romney — yet. Right now they’re down to him, Huntsman, and Santorum as the final three worthy of “serious consideration.” But since the polling for those last two is stuck in single digits combined, you can guess which way the wind’s blowing here.

Ben Domenech tweets, “The editors of @nationalreview stand athwart history, mewling ‘please allow Mitt to pass.’”

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Coulter On Hannity

Coulter, seeing an opening, decided to dive into her negative assessment of Gingrich, while comparing his purported lack of conservative ideals to Paul’s. ”I have a problem with Newt Gingrich’s big government conservatism,” she said. “I think of the candidates on the stage, Newt Gingrich is tied with Ron Paul — and only Ron Paul because of his foreign policy — as the least conservative candidate on the stage.”

“The question is how do we beat Obama. I think we beat Obama with the most conservative candidate and with the one who has been elected in a very liberal state,” Coulter later said, reiterating her support for Romney.

Watch Coulter’s appearance on “Hannity,” below:

Coulter isn‘t the first major media figure to cast doubts on Gingrich’s conservatism. Glenn Beck, among others, has voiced concerns over his “progressive” past. In fact, even MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews have been baffled by the conservative support for Gingrich.
One man has even started a website called “dedicated to warning conservatives that if Newt Gingrich is the Republican presidential nominee, that President Obama is virtually guaranteed to be reelected.”

The Two If By Tea YouTube Commercial Contest First Place Winners!

Dadalut! Dadalut! Dadalut!

That's the EIB trumpet fanfare -- and you know what that means, folks. We have selected our two Grand Prize winners in the Two If By Tea YouTube Commercial Contest. These two, First Place entries are particularly great, but we have had a very difficult time selecting them over so many others. The talent pool was simply that deep. Still, someone had to be victorious, and in the end we chose the fantastic "Declaration of Independence" and "Dancing Rap Skit."

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on your entries and participated in the contest. We hope you enjoyed making the videos as much as we did judging them.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A More Secure Web

PETa, privacy enhancing technology


Perry's New Ad

Romney in 2002: “My views are progressive”

Is it possible that Romney had a wide-ranging transformation from “progressive” to conservative? Of course it is; it happens quite a bit.

Hey, we get it. Republicans don’t win office in Massachusetts by proclaiming themselves as Ronald Reagan conservatives. When running for governor in 2002, Romney needed to sell himself as a Republican that represented the mainstream of liberal Massachusetts, which is why he told reporters in this clip that he was a “moderate” Republican who was “not a partisan,” and that “my views are progressive.” He told them what he needed in order to win the election.

The question is whether that was his strategy then and he was a secret conservative all along, or whether that’s his strategy today and he’s really a progressive:

Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive"

Mitt Romney speaks to reporters after a campaign stop in Worcester, MA in 2002.

Statist In Training: Chelsea Clinton makes debut as NBC correspondent [Video]

Chelsea Clinton's transition from an intensely private to a "purposefully public life" became complete Monday night with the former first daughter's debut as a correspondent on NBC's "Rock Center with Brian Williams." (see video below)

Clinton was hired by the broadcaster to tape some of its signature, feel-good "Making a Difference" segments, and her first offering was true to type.

She returned to the state her father had governed for more than a decade to tell the story of Annette Dove, whose personal crusade has been to help disadvantaged youth in the city of Pine Bluff, Ark.

In the piece is a rare glimpse at Clinton's own personal life. She offers up that she can barely cook, but "I did make Thanksgiving."

Williams explained Clinton's role in introducing her debut as the network's "special correspondent."

"She has joined us because she wants to tell stories, just some of the stories she has encountered along the way during her life's travels," he said.

In a segment after her piece aired, Clinton was asked to explain her personal evolution.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Awful debut ... see this for more

Diving Your Computer -- Will Mitsubishi's Radical Interior Concept Will Revolutionize The Way We Drive

Near-future Car Interface Technology - Mitsubishi EMIRAI #DigInfo

The Japanese manufacturers always try to one up each other when bringing concepts to their home show, the Tokyo Motor Show.

This year, Mitsubishi's Electric division brought an incredible concept of their vision for the car interior of the future.

The EMIRAI Concept uses rear projection screens that surround the driver with data, a safety system that uses biometrics to monitor vitals, and a unique steering wheel with buttons that only appear when they are needed. An additional panel allows control of some functions through text input.

Mitsubishi did not forget the rear passengers either. There are 3D screens in the back of the seats that do not require glasses to keep passengers entertained on a longer journey.
It is expected that this technology could appear in mass produced cars in as little as ten years.
Check out a video of it in action below (YouTube via Engadget):

No Farting Either ...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Arizona’s Immigration Law Gets to the Supremes

In a decision that should cheer those who believe in the rule of law and want to see our federal immigration laws enforced (despite all of the efforts of the Obama Administration to prevent that from happening), the Supreme Court today accepted Arizona’s petition for certiorari in the lawsuit filed against the state’s immigration law by the Justice Department. That means that the Supreme Court will make the final decision on whether Arizona’s law (SB 1070) is constitutional.

SB 1070, which has served as a model for other states such as Alabama and South Carolina, has a number of provisions that attempt to help the federal government enforce immigration requirements. The most controversial, at least from the standpoint of the Obama Administration, is a provision that requires police officers to check on the immigration status of individuals they have arrested or detained for some other violation, if the officers have a reasonable suspicion the individuals are in the country illegally. Race and ethnicity cannot be a consideration in that determination.

More here:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Futility Is Dead

Ottawa, Canada, December 11, 2011: “Developed nations are not guilty of causing the climate change that developing nations claim they are suffering,” said Tom Harris, executive director of ICSC which is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. “Climate changes all the time—both warming and cooling—due to natural causes and there is nothing that we can do to stop it. However, to the degree possible, and considering our economic circumstances, developed nations still have a moral obligation to devote a proportion of their foreign aid to helping the world’s most vulnerable people adapt to natural climate events.”

ICSC chief science advisor, Professor Bob Carter of James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, and author of the best selling book, “Climate: the Counter Consensus” says, “Science has yet to provide unambiguous evidence that problematic, or even measurable, human-caused global warming is occurring. Consequently, any agreements—Durban, Cancun, Copenhagen or Kyoto—to reduce humanity’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are utterly futile. Governments need to recognize that the really dangerous climate hazards are natural events and change, and to prepare more fully to adapt to them when they occur.”

Dr. Philip Stott, Dr. Ian Plimer and Matt Ridley among others completely destroy the IPCC, the climate change policies, renewable energy policies and it’s devastating effect for our nature, our economies and our prosperity. Matt Ridley provides us with a rather optimistic look on the availability of fossil fuels and shale gas and a grim future if we fail to make use of the opportunity.

This is a must see video series where each speaker takes 15 minutes to make his or her’s point.

The next twenty years will be about energy security, food security and good science.

The climate change doctrine is dead.


This video series was published at Climate Realists

Friday, December 9, 2011


Cord Cutters: The Cord Cutters holiday gift guide

No matter whether you want to give someone the gift of cable-free TV fun, or whether you are still looking for the perfect present for your own TV needs, we’ve got you covered with our Cord Cutters holiday gift guide. Check out our video highlighting our three favorite products for this holiday season, or read on for additional gift ideas.

Cord Cutters

Cord Cutters: How Good Is the EyeTV One for Live TV?

There are many ways to catch up on broadcast TV shows through network TV sites or services like Hulu Plus online. But what if you want to watch broadcast TV live? In this week’s episode of Cord Cutters, Janko takes a look at the EyeTV One, a TV tuner and DVR option that plugs into your USB port and allows you to watch and record live, over-the-air HD video streams. Check out the episode below:

Show notes for this episode:

The EyeTV One is essentially a TV tuner that plugs into your USB port and lets you watch live over-the-air television programming on your PC.

You can also use the device as a DVR, which lets you pause and rewind live TV shows that you’re watching, as well as record programming from the program guide.
While recording uncompressed over-the-air video gives you HD quality, the saved recordings take up a lot of hard drive space.

The EyeTV One retails for about $90 and is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh PCs. Accessing the program guide through the device is free for the first year, but costs $20 a year after that.

Have you tried out the EyeTV One or a similar device? Then let us know what you think about it in the comments, and feel free to share any tips and tricks you’ve come across. You can also get in touch with us on Twitter (@cordcutters) or email us at cordcutters @

Cord Cutters: Channel Master — a DVR for cord cutting

The Channel Master TV is a new DVR that squarely targets cord cutters who don’t want to pay any monthly subscription. But is the device worth $400? Check out our take on it:

Show notes for this episode:

CBC accidentally unravels global warming dogma

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Forgot Which Of The 57 States He Was in?

Thought he had landed in Kenya?

Osawatomie Obama’s Waterloo

Folks are wondering, (but nobody more elegantly than talk show radio giant Rush Limbaugh) how President Barack Obama could use Tuesday’s Osawatomie speech as a three-year-later coming-out party for Obama, the Marxist.

With a “Marxist attack on America” right in Election Year, the Emperor ripped off his clothes showing his Marxist nakedness to the entire political world.

Back In 2008,  Obama, still the pocket Messiah,  bristled each time the Marxist label rose up through the fog, to roundly deny the charge.

So why on Tuesday did we have Obama the Marxist on stage?

Rush on Obama Kansas Speech: Communist Leaders Around The World Give This Speech Constantly

Obama is running against the USA...

President Obama Channeling Teddy Roosevelt

Huntsman: Reagan's 11th Commandment

So much for that ...

Documents: ATF Used “Fast & Furious” To Make Case For Gun Regulations

Obama Blamed US Guns for Mexican Violence – Then He Set Out to Prove Himself Right
In April 2009 Barack Obama traveled to Mexico and blamed US gun sellers for violence south of the border. Obama told his Mexican audience, “This war being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States.” Just to be sure, a few months later the Obama Administration started running their own guns to Mexico, at least 2,000 guns.

The under the radar gun runner speaks ...

Barack Obama, April 16, 2009:
“This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States… more than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border. So we have responsibilities as well.”
Now there is proof that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives discussed using “Fast and Furious” to push for new regulations on gun sales.
CBS News reported:

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation “Fast and Furious” to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

In Fast and Furious, ATF secretly encouraged gun dealers to sell to suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels to go after the “big fish.” But ATF whistleblowers told CBS News and Congress it was a dangerous practice called “gunwalking,” and it put thousands of weapons on the street. Many were used in violent crimes in Mexico. Two were found at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

ATF officials didn’t intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called “Demand Letter 3″. That would require some U.S. gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or “long guns.” Demand Letter 3 was so named because it would be the third ATF program demanding gun dealers report tracing information.

And as a result of their actions, Border Agent Brian Terry and over 200 Mexicans are dead today – so that the Obama Administration could make a case for new gun regulations.

Sarah Palin on the GOP Candidates

Sarah Palin was on with Sean Hannity last night to discuss Barack Obama’s dwindling poll numbers and his failed “socialist” policies. Sarah Palin pointed out that Barack Obama is a phony and America is not going to put up with that.

Sarah Palin:
“He talks about fairness. You know that he doesn’t actually mean it. Especially when he can’t walk the walk. He tries to talk the talk but his actions certainly don’t match what his speeches are all about. He talked about fairness and yet fairness would be everybody pitching in and at least paying a bit for some of the services that are provided by our government. And yet 50% of Americans don’t even pay an income tax and so in that respect they’re not participating. But he doesn’t consider that. He’s heading off for a multi-day vacation in luxurious Hawaii while the rest of America is looking on making sacrifices in order to make ends meet. Again, just example after example of his words not matching his actions. He’s a phony, Sean. Barack Obama is a phony. And, America, I believe again, we’re waking up to that and we’re not going to put up with that.”
Spoken like a true American patriot.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Inhofe to UN Climate Conference in Durban: Kyoto Process is Dead

Two years ago, the Obama administration practically staged an airlift of leading Democratic officials to the UN climate conference in Copenhagen. Barack Obama himself made an appearance, as did Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and even Republican Senator Jim Inhofe, who went to represent the AGW skeptics and demand answers to the then-breaking Climategate scandal. In the end, Obama could only produce a non-binding agreement that even he didn’t agree to sign, while domestic support for climate-change policy collapsed underneath him.

Fast forward two years. We have Climategate 2.0 accompanying another UN conference on climate change, this time in Durban. The one big difference? The White House has completely ignored it. Senator Inhofe sends his greetings to the Durban conference and gleefully points out that they have become irrelevant:

MArk's report --

Netflix Gets In On The Kinect Magic, Reveals New Xbox 360 Experience

Surprise! The big Xbox 360 update started hitting consoles late last night and brought along with it a new Netflix app. This overhauled user experience incorporates the new Kinect voice and gesture controls with a swanky new UI. It nearly turns the Xbox 360′s Netflix app into a movie selection device worthy of a staring roll alongside Tom Cruise in a modern sci-fi adventure that rhymes with Sinority Beport.

The redesign puts a lot more content in front of the viewer. The Recently Watched tabs, Instant Queue, and recommended lists now display three times more titles. Plus, when a video ends, a screen will appear display three related titles (think YouTube). Most of the user elements including related titles, rating, subtitles, and audio settings now occupy similar buttons at the bottom of the screen, eliminating menu overload.

The app also gets in on the new Kinect actions. Users can control nearly the entire app with just voice controls and motion gestures. Of course a Kinect is required.

The updated Netflix app is ready to rock and roll, but users need to initiate the download after applying the latest system update.

Several users took to YouTube after stumbling upon the app last night. Below is the best video demonstrating the new features I could find. Now that Netflix made the new experience official, I’m sure more will pop up.

Tracfone LG800G Unboxing (LG 800G)

Short, ugly video on the new LG 800G full touch screen phone from Tracfone wireless. Yea, I suck at this, I know.

And one more ...

Chris Christie Cuts Down Town Hall Questioner: "If I Plant Questions, Why the Hell Did I Call on You? Give the Microphone Back"

Gingrich: John Bolton will be my secretary of state

Well now, this sounds good...

Newt Gingrich promised conservatives on Tuesday he would ask former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to be his secretary of state if he’s elected president next year, according to several of those who met with him

Hours later he repeated that vow publicly to the Republican Jewish Coalition, winning a round of applause.

“If he accepts it, I will ask John Bolton to be secretary of state,” the former House speaker said.

During the closed-door meeting in Arlington, Mr. Gingrich spoke and fielded questions for about two hours from 70 conservatives, and they said afterward that they came away impressed.

One questioner asked Mr. Gingrich how he could assure conservatives he would be trustworthy, which is when he replied that he would tap Mr. Bolton, a hero to conservatives whom President George B. Bush named as a recess appointment to the U.N. ambassadorship after the Senate refused to confirm him.

Mr. Gingrich’s statement that Mr. Bolton would be his pick to head the State Department drew applause from the Jewish Republican group, which was hearing from virtually all GOP presidential hopefuls in a daylong session in Washington.

Limbaugh to Obama: “You Have Just Outed Yourself. You Have Nothing But Contempt For This Country”

Rush, you're busted, by your own words.

Barack Obama ~ Workin' Hard for the Folks

All play no work...

Obama's 17-Day Hawaii Vacation 'Looks Bad'

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Guns, Less Crime

Here's the story, on Fox News.

Energy For America: Dr. Steven Hayward explains path to North America's promising energy future

Here's Glenn Beck's Interview With Newt Gingrich That Everyone Is Talking About

Elderly Love

This elderly-love could be the difference between a flash-in-the-pan Gingrich 'boomlet' and a real surge. As TPM's Benjy Sarlin points out, Gingrich's willingness to dabble in Obama conspiracy theories and lambast entitlement cuts as "right-wing engineering" are actually signs that the candidate is playing to his base.

Gingrich's first television ad, which airs this week in Iowa, is another indication that Gingrich knows his audience. The 60-second spot, titled "Rebuilding the America We Love," is uplifting and patriotic, with a positive message about restoring the glory days of Reagan. Gingrich, the once-bellicose Republican firebrand, is recast as a friendly and familiar grandfatherly caretaker, a move that plays into a collective conservative amnesia and allows voters to remember Gingrich as they would like him to have been.

Watch the video below.

"Rebuilding the America We Love"

The Soviet Story - Why killing is essential to communism

When it rains it pours: US approved large escalation of legal gun sales to Mexico

Sharyl Atkisson continues her excellent investigative reporting for CBS on OF&F with this exposé:

Selling weapons to Mexico – where cartel violence is out of control – is controversial because so many guns fall into the wrong hands due to incompetence and corruption. The Mexican military recently reported nearly 9,000 police weapons “missing.”

Yet the U.S. has approved the sale of more guns to Mexico in recent years than ever before through a program called “direct commercial sales.” It’s a program that some say is worse than the highly-criticized “Fast and Furious” gunrunning scandal, where U.S. agents allowed thousands of weapons to pass from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels. …

Here’s how it works: A foreign government fills out an application to buy weapons from private gun manufacturers in the U.S. Then the State Department decides whether to approve.

And it did approve 2,476 guns to be sold to Mexico in 2006. In 2009, that number was up nearly 10 times, to 18,709. The State Department has since stopped disclosing numbers of guns it approves, and wouldn’t give CBS News figures for 2010 or 2011. …

The State Department audits only a tiny sample – less than 1 percent of sales – but the results are disturbing: In 2009, more than a quarter (26 percent) of the guns sold to the region that includes Mexico were “diverted” into the wrong hands, or had other “unfavorable” results.
Well, well, well. This puts FAst and Furious in a completely different light, doesn’t it? While the ATF allowed two thousand or so guns to “walk” across the border without the ability to track them, the Obama administration was already aware that the direct-sales program had a 26% fail rate — which would have meant almost 4,900 weapons fell into the hands of the cartels based on sales approved by the Obama administration’s State Department in 2009 alone. That’s more than twice the amount “lost” by the ATF and DoJ in OF&F. And we don’t know how much worse the problem got last year or this year, thanks to the stonewalling of the Obama administration on the numbers.

Gingrich tangles with Pelosi over ethics info [VIDEO]

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Newt Gingrich shot back at House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today, after Pelosi threatened to reveal details of the ethics investigation into the former House Speaker almost 13 years ago.

“I want to thank Speaker Pelosi for what I regard as an early Christmas gift,” Gingrich said during a press conference at Manhattan’s Union League Club Monday afternoon.

“If she’s saying that she’s going to use material that she developed while she was on the ethics committee,” Gingrich added, “that is a fundamental violation of the rules of the House, and I would hope that members would immediately file charges against her the second she does it.”

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Debates, Debates, Debates

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Newt Gingrich Still Unsure Of Man Made Global Warming

Having a leg on both sides of the fence can be a little uncomfortable.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

12-27-11 Trump Moderates The Debate

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Upcoming Romney-Gingrich Shootout

Thursday, December 1, 2011

GM Willing To Buy Back Volts

General Motors will buy Chevrolet Volts back from any owner who is afraid the electric cars will catch fire, the company’s CEO said Thursday.

In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, CEO Dan Akerson insisted that the cars are safe, but said the company will purchase the Volts because it wants to keep customers happy. Three fires have broken out in Volts after side-impact crash tests done by the federal government.

Akerson said that if necessary, GM will recall the more than 6,000 Volts now on the road in the U.S. and repair them once the company and federal safety regulators figure out what caused the fires.

“If we find that is the solution, we will retrofit every one of them,” Akerson said. “We’ll make it right.”

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Perry TV ad compares Obama to Carter on foreign oil

Now comes the Carter comparisons ... Rick Perry hopes a pair of new television ads — one playing to an evangelical base, and the other comparing President Obama to former President Carter — can help elevate his campaign back into a volatile Republican race.

Perry's campaign released the ads Thursday in Iowa. The Texas governor hopes the financial advantage he built up early in the Republican campaign — before a series of debate gaffes stuck a pin in his inflating poll numbers — can help him to reassert himself into the GOP race.

For the full article on The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, click here.

It's the same guy??

Clarkson Sorry For 'Shoot Strikers' Remark: Jeremy Clarkson has apologised

Jeremy Clarkson has apologised for his comments that people who took part in the national public sector strike "should be shot".

It comes after Unison said it was taking urgent legal advice over the Top Gear presenter's "appalling" remarks on BBC1's The One Show.

The union had called for him to be sacked by the corporation but has now told Sky News it accepts Clarkson's apology and has invited him to spend the day with a healthcare assistant on a hospital ward.

On the evening of the strike, Clarkson said on The One Show: "Frankly, I would have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families."

He added: "I mean, how dare they go on strike when they've got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?"

The BBC has received more than 4,700 complaints about the comments and issued an apology.

Rove: Barney Frank Is A "Nasty Person"

Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove discuss what Dodd-Frank will do to the banking industry and how Barney Frank opposed reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Rush Limbaugh in New York at the Town Hall theater performance

Envy --- Adam Carolla Explains Envy Occupiers ...

Adam Carolla breaking down the current occupy wallstreet movement in simple terms for everyone to understand. He dives into the cultural reasons that lead us into this situation, as well as the solution to our problems ... Very similar to Ron Paul's chapter on envy in his latest book, liberty defined.

Adam Carolla Dancing with the stars Ranchero style

Why terrorists hate us

McDonald's Outsmarts San Francisco's Food Fascists

A Candid Conversation With Newt Gingrich

Miller Time: Bye Bye Barney Frank