Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Futility Is Dead

Ottawa, Canada, December 11, 2011: “Developed nations are not guilty of causing the climate change that developing nations claim they are suffering,” said Tom Harris, executive director of ICSC which is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. “Climate changes all the time—both warming and cooling—due to natural causes and there is nothing that we can do to stop it. However, to the degree possible, and considering our economic circumstances, developed nations still have a moral obligation to devote a proportion of their foreign aid to helping the world’s most vulnerable people adapt to natural climate events.”

ICSC chief science advisor, Professor Bob Carter of James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, and author of the best selling book, “Climate: the Counter Consensus” says, “Science has yet to provide unambiguous evidence that problematic, or even measurable, human-caused global warming is occurring. Consequently, any agreements—Durban, Cancun, Copenhagen or Kyoto—to reduce humanity’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are utterly futile. Governments need to recognize that the really dangerous climate hazards are natural events and change, and to prepare more fully to adapt to them when they occur.”

Dr. Philip Stott, Dr. Ian Plimer and Matt Ridley among others completely destroy the IPCC, the climate change policies, renewable energy policies and it’s devastating effect for our nature, our economies and our prosperity. Matt Ridley provides us with a rather optimistic look on the availability of fossil fuels and shale gas and a grim future if we fail to make use of the opportunity.

This is a must see video series where each speaker takes 15 minutes to make his or her’s point.

The next twenty years will be about energy security, food security and good science.

The climate change doctrine is dead.


This video series was published at Climate Realists

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