Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Newt ...

This was Newt's First Ad ... Newt Gingrich begins his home-stretch campaign in the nation’s first caucus state today with a new 60-second spot for Iowa television — the kind of warm, positive commercial that candidates usually use as their first introduction to voters. 

The ad itself is well-produced, and captures some of that elusive Reaganian “Morning in America” quality, very obviously the intent of his campaign team.  The music choice is also interesting.

This is Newt's 2nd ad, before tonight's Thursday debate ... Newt attacks

Newt Gingrich plans to release a new television ad Thursday, in what the campaign is describing as a bid to play up the former Speaker's refusal to go negative at a time where many of Gingrich's opponents have been on the attack. The ad's release coincides with the last Iowa debate Thursday night before voters go to the caucuses in January. 

"The advertisement builds upon Newt’s commitment to running a positive, solutions oriented campaign and sticks to his pledge not to run attack ads, while still defending against false attacks and reminding voters of Newt’s record as conservative reformer," Gingrich spokesman R.C. Hammond said in a statement.

Today HotAir's AllahPundit writesabout the harsh ... "National Review editorial: Just say no to Gingrich — and Perry"
They’re not endorsing Romney — yet. Right now they’re down to him, Huntsman, and Santorum as the final three worthy of “serious consideration.” But since the polling for those last two is stuck in single digits combined, you can guess which way the wind’s blowing here.

Ben Domenech tweets, “The editors of @nationalreview stand athwart history, mewling ‘please allow Mitt to pass.’”

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