Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gibbs Scolds Reporter: You're Asking Too Many BP Questions

Can you imagine if any other president had said something like this "you are asking too many questions about Watergate"

Awk, Awk

Incumbents, Over-Stayed Their Welcome

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rossi Is In

Republican Dino Rossi finally made it official this morning, entering the U.S. Senate race for the seat held by three-term incumbent Sen Patty Murray(D).

In a five-minute video posted to his web site,, Rossi reaches out to voters upset with the direction the country is headed, citing rising unemployment, plummeting housing values, "wasteful" stimulus plans and "massive new debt as far as the eye can see."

Go, Leave, Who Cares!!!


Oil spill now lapping at the White House

NewsBusted: What Is Arlen Specter’s Next Move?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mix Up, or Mixed Up ?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Password Please

click image for larger view.

Republican Takes Hawaii House Seat

On the surface this is good news:
Republicans scored a midterm election victory Saturday when Honolulu City Councilman Charles Djou won a Democratic-held House seat in Hawaii in the district where President Obama grew up — the latest triumph for the GOP as it looks to take back control of Congress.
Djou’s victory was a blow to Obama and other Democrats who could not rally around a candidate and find away to win a congressional race that should have been a cakewalk. The seat had been held by a Democrat for nearly 20 years and is located in the district where Obama was born and spent most of his childhood.
“This is a momentous day. We have sent a message to the United States Congress. We have sent a message to the national Democrats. We have sent a message to the machine,” Djou said. “The congressional seat is not owned by one political party. This congressional seat is owned by the people.”
Let’s see if he turns RINO like Brown did.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ray Stevens: Come To America

Gov Brewer Sing Along

Cheesey, yep. Effective ridicule, yep.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama's Favorite Act: Immigration Reform

Come one come all --- I give you Senor Wences, Obama's magic Mexican puppet, reading from Obama's magic teleprompter. To a "joint" session in Congress.

Calderon and Obama, building a world of lies.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rush Has a Fever And The Only Cure Is More Calderone Cowbell

Too dumb to know how dumb you are ....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So Specter Defeat Had Nothing To Do With Obama ... Right?

Watch this ... then decide. This was the ad voters saw in PA. To the voters, it was a referendum on Obama, make no mistake about that.

Oh yeah, Specter lost.

Rand Paul Credits Tea Party Then Goes After Barack Obama

Tea Party candidate Rand Paul wins big -- "I have a message from the tea party, we've come to take our country back"

Where Have All The Men Gone ?

Arlen Specter warns of tea party 'take over'

Hurricane Forecasting: The Banana Curve

Works for me, as good as any other method

Sunday, May 16, 2010

South Park: Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow

This episode explains the Obama regime in action.

A GLOBAL WARMING STATE OF EMERGENCY is declared in South Park. The world's largest beaver dam breaks and floods the adjacent town of Beaverton. As the victims wait for help to arrive, everyone in South Park tackles priority number one: Who is to blame? Only Stan and Cartman know who's really at fault.

Gov Brewer Skewers Obama Regime

Gov. Jan Brewer on Obama: “It’s Fair to Ask Whether He Intends to Be the Commander-in-Chief or the Comic-in-Chief”

Woah! Another home run for popular Arizona Governor Jan Brewer ! …And, another headache for the political hacks running Washington and America into the dirt. Governor Jan Brewer DEMOLISHED Team Obama on Saturday for their divisive racial politics and for intentionally misleading the American public on Arizona’s new immigration law. Brewer took a shot at Obama’s comedy routine: “It’s fair to ask whether he intends to be the Commander-in-Chief or the Comic-in-Chief. Since the president’s joke was so inappropriate, I suppose, if I wanted to join in the comedian game, I could suggest that he should not give up his day job. Unfortunately…


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gov Christy: Takes Down The Media

You tube pulled the video, you figure why. FNC has it in all it's glory.

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his 'confrontational tone'
The latest conservative squeeze ... Take the fight to them edition.

Hey, Why Not Just Ask

Friday, May 14, 2010

Guess What Greece Has To Jettison?

Policy Failure: Greece was told that if it wanted a bailout, it needed to consider privatizing its government health care system. So tell us again why the U.S. is following Europe's welfare state model.

The requirement, part of a deal arranged by the IMF, the European Union and the European Central bank, is a tacit admission that national health care programs are unsustainable. Along with transportation and energy, the bailout group, according to the New York Times, wants the Greek government to remove "the state from the marketplace in crucial sectors."

Read the rest here:

Obama Picks For Supreme Court: Judicial Midgets

No one allowed smart than 'the one'.

RedState has uncovered Kagan's thesis…and you can see it here.

Pretty much the dumb socialist, social justice type, you would expect. Stalin would have loved this useful idiot. Not much of a thinker, no judicial scholar, the lesser end of the Harriet Meyers match-up,  but you probably already figured that out from the propaganda film.

The Republicans ought to filibuster out of principle. Not that Kagan would be any worse on the Supreme Court than John Paul Stevens has been, or that the next nominee wouldn’t be every bit as bad. But they ought to filibuster anyway. The court deserves better that this skull full of socialist cement.

Isn’t it amazing how you can’t seem to find a Democrat in a position of power within this regime who didn’t spend the 1970’s or 1980’s playing footsie with Marxists, socialists and Communists? Well the good news is those who think and read, already knew that, before immaculate conception of 'the one'.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Iowa: Rain, Cold Weather Lousy For Corn Crop

The recent cold, wet weather is raising concerns for Iowa farmers. Most of the state’s corn crop has been planted, but some crops were damaged by frost last weekend. Iowa State University Extension Climatologist Elwynn Taylor says those damaged plants may have trouble recovering in the soggy conditions this week.

“Corn that’s been damaged on the top by frost usually does all right if we have some clear, crisp weather following the freeze – rather than soggy, cold weather which sets the plant up for disease and other problems,” Taylor said. The southern third of Iowa’s been hit the hardest this week, receiving 2 to 4 inches or more of rain. Temperatures across the state have been much cooler than normal for this time of year which Taylor says has greatly slowed growth in the fields.

“The plants in the field just aren’t doing very much,” Taylor said. Farmers can’t do much at this point but wait and see how their corn crop recovers. “You just watch where there was frost damage and look to see if the new corn leaves are making their way up through the damaged tissue. In a week or so after the damage, if the new leaves aren’t beginning to show, then you know you’ve got a problem you have to deal with,” Taylor said.

Farmers are hoping to avoid replanting because of the extra work and expense. Drier and warmer weather is forecast for Iowa this weekend.


Maurice Strong

Head new world order Marxist. Make the world a better place for COMMUNISTS.


Maurice Strong -- From the CBC documentary 'Life and Times' (2004).

This clip takes a look at one of the world's leading figures behind the New World Order agenda, and someone near the very top of the global warming/global tax/one world government swindle. For the past several years, Strong has been living in China following his exposed involvement in the UN's Oil for Food scandal.

While the documentary casts an unabashedly favorable and glowing light on Strong, making him out to be a humanitarian of sorts and someone wanting to make the world a better place through his connections in business and government, those who have done the research and have studied Mr. Strong's background and associations understand that this simply isn't the case. However, this clip does at least highlight the dizzying speed in which Strong rose to power, as well as his many elite associations.

Despite having little education and almost no credentials, Strong was quickly risen through the ranks of power after being vetted by globalist kingpin David Rockefeller in the mid-40s, at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, after Strong landed a job there with the help of people who had connections to the UN.

Strong played a vital role in the rise to power of former Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin, landing him his first real job at Canada's Power Corporation. The same goes for James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, who also later hired Strong as an adviser.

-Matthew D. Jarvie

Mark Levin Hammers Obama's Radical Pick to Oversea Medicare and Medicaid - Audio 5/12/10

I wonder where the box of communit idiots Obama finds all this quackery? He must have forgotten the Soviet Union fell on it's face in the mud because of this nonsense.

Here is audio of "The Great One" - Mark Levin - shining the light of truth on President Obama's nominee, Harvard Professor Donald Berwick, to head the agency that overseas Medicare and Medicaid. As you might expect, he is another in a long line of Obama radicals.

Berwick is another unabashed redistributionist, and and advocate of rationing health care:

"Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must, MUST redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sarah Poses As The Modern Day Rosie The Riveter

In the shadow of Capitol Hill, a forgotten patriot consigned to America’s trash heap of the unemployed has created a new national symbol that celebrates the values Sarah Palin holds true.

A man who goes only by the name of Dale has cast Sarah Palin as the lost daughter of the World War II heroine, Rosie the Riveter – but with a twist.

Norman Rockwell’s classic 1943 Saturday Evening Post cover of Rosie shows a rivet gun in the lap of our plucky aircraft assembly-line worker during her lunch break. Dale has replaced it with a Remington 870 pump shotgun.

More here:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Flexible, Progressive, Socialist

Constitution not so much so...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tax Rate On Dividends Set To Surge 164% After 2010

With tax rates on track to surge next year, it may be time to cash out of dividend-paying stocks, reminds accountant Joe Kristan over at Going Concern. Taxpayers owning C corporation stock might also want to take a bullet, figuratively speaking, this year. That’s because the tax rate on dividends will either leap or soar in 2011. The increase in the dividend rate is a consequence of the scheduled expiration of the 2001 Bush tax cuts after this year.

Read more at ...

Senate Hearing Promotes Anti-American Watchlist Bills

I assume you already know how stupid the terrorist watch list is, those on it, have no way of getting off, and the ones should be on it are nowhere to be found. Typical of big bloated governement that can't get out of it's own way. If not after you read this you will understand the danger in store.

NRA - ILA ^ | May 07, 2010 | NA

·11250 Waples Mill Road ·   Fairfax, Virginia 22030    ·800-392-8683

Since September 11, 2001, it's been clear that terrorists who hate America will exploit our weaknesses in order to destroy us. This week, Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg exploited Americans' fear of terrorism to push their latest anti-gun proposal, and in doing so showed that they're willing to destroy other parts of the Constitution, to choke its Second Amendment.

On Tuesday, as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Lieberman held a hearing to give Lautenberg and King the opportunity to promote their bills S.1317 and H.R.2159, to prohibit the possession of firearms by people on the FBI's "terrorist watchlist," and Lautenberg's S. 2820, to maintain records of approved instant background check transactions for a minimum of 180 days. The watchlist bills further propose that a person seeking relief in court  from these new restrictions would be prevented from examining and challenging "evidence" against him, and that the judge deciding whether the person had been watchlisted for good reason be limited to summaries and redacted versions of such "evidence."

Joining Lautenberg, King and Bloomberg to speak in favor of these patently anti-American and unconstitutional bills was Bloomberg's police commissioner, Ray Kelly.
Claims made by the bills' supporters during the hearing bordered on the frivolous. Lautenberg cited the failed attempt last Saturday to set off a homemade gasoline-propane bomb in an SUV near NYC's Times Square -- even though his watchlist bill would only regulate firearms and commercially made explosives. Lautenberg then brought up an even more irrelevant incident, the 2008 attack by a terrorist group in Mumbai, India, saying "That's why we need to change the law" in the United States. A "fanatic" in his own right when it comes to gun control, Lautenberg continued, "Nothing in our laws keeps fanatics on the terror watchlist from purchasing guns and explosives."

Lautenberg was lying, of course, and Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) called him on it. Knowing that the Government Accountability Office has reported that about 95 percent of people on the watchlist are neither American citizens nor legal residents of the United States, Sen. Graham pointed out "there are 400,000 people on the watchlist." He then asked, "what percentage of them are American citizens?"
Lautenberg and his allies sat silently, dumbfounded, for what seemed an eternity, until Kelly, dutifully taking the punch so his boss wouldn't have to, sputtered that he was unable to come up with a figure. Since it was obvious that the anti-gunners didn't get the point, Sen. Graham clarified it for them: "The law prohibits the purchase of a gun unless you're an American citizen or a legal resident alien."

Lautenberg tried to justify his bill by saying "From 2004 to February of this year, terrorists tried to buy guns and explosives 1,228 times. In 91 percent of those cases, they were given the OK to buy the guns." The claim was misleading, in that the 1,228 checks were accounted for by about 650 individuals, according to the GAO. But Sen. Graham seized upon a more important flaw in the statistic when he asked how many of these "terrorists" were dangerous enough to have been brought up on terrorism charges. On this point too, the Lautenberg team had no response. That led Sen. Graham to question whether the watchlisted gun buyers were as dangerous as the Lautenberg team want people to believe.

King falsely claimed that his bill was justified by last year's Ft. Hood murders, "where individuals [sic] suspected of terrorist activity legally obtained weapons that were used to kill innocent Americans." The truth is, the one person (not multiple individuals) accused of the Ft. Hood crime was not "suspected of terrorist activity." Months before the accused killer bought his gun, the FBI had completed an investigation of him, concluding that despite some suspicious e-mails between the accused and an anti-American Islamist overseas, he was not a terrorist threat. At the bottom line, even if everything that Lautenberg, King and Bloomberg are proposing had already been federal law, it would not have affected the Ft. Hood crime one whit.
Speaking against the proposed legislation during the hearing was Aaron Titus of the Liberty Coalition.  "Senate Bill 1317 goes too far," he said. "The bill should be titled, 'The Gun Owners Are Probably All Terrorists Act,' because it strips citizens of their constitutional right to [keep and] bear arms without any meaningful due process. And Senate Bill 2820 should be called, 'The National Firearm Registry Act' because it creates a national firearms registry. . . . a massive database of names and detailed personal information of each law-abiding citizen who purchases a gun."

Titus' point laid Lautenberg's, King's and Bloomberg's intention bare. While S. 2820 would allow the FBI to retain NICS records on all NICS transactions, 99.999 percent of the people documented in those records would not be persons on the watchlist. "The bill disingenuously purports to target terrorists," Titus said, "but in fact only one ten-thousandth of one percent of these records will belong to people on watch lists. Every year, only 200 new watch-list records will be created. But the system will generate more than 14 million new records on law-abiding citizens. Once collected, there's no limit on what the information may be used for, and no legal requirement to ever delete it."

Later, Sen. Graham summed up the reason that should motivate every American -- regardless of personal feelings about individual gun ownership -- to oppose the Lautenberg and King bills. "I think you're going too far here," he said. "There's a huge difference between losing your gun rights based upon a felony charge that was proven by a court of law and appealed, and is a conviction on the books, and being on some list that is, at best, suspect."  NRA members in South Carolina and around the nation owe Sen. Graham their thanks for getting to the heart of the issue.

This November your country is in the election pot, it's for all the marbels.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

As Fake As Al Gore's Powerpoint Presentation

ABC recently reported on a letter signed by 250 scientists published in the journal Science. The ABC report starts this way:
Two-hundred-and-fifty scientists have signed an open letter saying they are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation in attacks on climate scientists, saying political action has been derailed.
The letter is accompanied by a cover photo of a lone Polar Bear on an ice berg credited to ISTOCKPHOTO.COM. The photo is a fake with the following note in the photo caption at Istockphoto: "This images is a photoshop design. Polarbear, ice floe, ocean and sky are real, they were just not together in the way they are now."

Wonder why the ABC didn't pick this one up, they do have previous experience with Polar Bears.

What does the use of a faked photo say about the scientific credibility of the journal in question? You deicde.

Communists Work The Crowd

Do they know the KKK was a Democrat terror group, or the NAZIs were National Socialists. Do they know the communists running Mexico are using them as useful idiots of our day?

A very good video of a recent “immigrants rights’ rally in Atlanta Georgia.

Now Atlanta is not a communist stronghold like New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles or San Francisco. Yet even here the International Socialists, the Socialist Workers Party and the Revolutionary Communist Party are busily and publicly “working” the crowd.

These people want blood on the streets.

They must not be allowed to succeed.

You Cannot Believe What Obama Says, Watch What He Does: Newspeak -- From The Movie 1984

The Newspeak sophistry of Obama and his regime is truly amazing. It's probably because most do not understand what is being said and how it is being said. These people use a language that is breathtaking with their in your face lies. It only works because the lame stream media refuses to translate and just plays along with their lies.

You must do the translation.

What is sophistry? It's an old Greek word that is defined thusly:  -- subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation. Combine the two, you get Obama-speak.

Want more, then read George Orwell's book "1984" and see what Newspeak is all about, the language of opposites. It describes perfectly what the language of the old Soviet Union looked like, and bears more than a passing resemblance to the lies told today by Obama about the jobs report. Yes what he said was all lies.

To give a simple example of Newspeak - The word free still existed in Newspeak, but could only be used in such statements as "The dog is free from lice" or "This field is free from weeds." It could not be used in its old sense of "politically free" or "intellectually free," since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless, had no meaning.

If Obama-speak sounds a lot like political correctness, yes it is, with a subtle twist, the argumentation -- Or as most people would define it, the lies he tells. That's why Obama may seem to you to be always telling lies. From your fact base and language reference it is lies. To the ignorant people it may even sound brilliant, principally because most people do not reason while listening, they just listen. Add the teleprompter seance effect of his speaking and you see right through his gift -- Of Obama-speak.

Know the truth, hold to the truth -- You are going to need it with Obama-speak.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Define Sophistry

Rush Limbaugh had some insights on the Obama regime and their sophistry yesterday:

Well, what the media considers "smart" is what the ancient Greeks used to call "sophistry." You've heard me use that word: "Sophistry."

The "sophists" were just teachers of rhetoric, like George Lakoff (rhymes with) is a sophist. All they do is teach rhetoric -- and Biden isn't even good at that! You couldn't even put him up to the level of being a sophist. David Obey. David Obey. Not only, ladies and gentlemen, is David Obey the retiring now-chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. David Obey is the guy who brought the gavel down when health care reform passed on that awful Sunday in Washington -- and he used the same gavel as the one used to gavel Medicare -- and now, not even six months later, David Obey, "No mas! No mas!" Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm! What'd he say last week? At some point you don't need any more money? Something like that.

Okay, so he's the leading recipient of campaign cash from British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs. Could we say to President Obama: At some point you, do you think you've raised enough money? Do you think you have enough campaign cash, Mr. President? You're gonna sit there and tell Americans, 'At some point don't you think you have enough money? At some point you got enough?" Don't you think you've raised enough, Mr. President? It's astonishing to me, ladies and gentlemen, when we have a serious challenge as a nation -- we have two of them right now -- no one really thinks Obama's up to it or has anything to say to rally the people or can lead. Nobody! Nobody thinks Obama's up to it. That's why Karen Tumulty in the Washington Post today: It's a golden opportunity for Obama to "convey competence." If you gotta convey it, it must mean you're not doing it now. Her solution to that is: Yeah just start listing your successes! Except there aren't any that the American people support.
See also Newspeak, from the movie "1984", making thinking unthinkable.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Future Democrat Voters

What your first clue?

Nashville Floods

The floods in Tennessee are historic 500 year floods. 31 dead so far, untold property damage, but not news worthy I guess. Just a bunch of white guys ... who cares. May turn out to be the costliest non-Hurricane disaster in America to date. More here and here:


Good thing we have a president of all the people and not just the ones he wants to vote for him. Fast tracking America to Venezuela are we Mr President.

Well I got news for you sir, you are wasting your time.

Report: Nissan Leaf Battery Pack Costs Only $9,000

Most are saying this is bonkers -- If a report in the Times of London is accurate, it would go a long way toward explaining Nissan’s claims that the Leaf electric car will be profitable at just $33,000. The report, which focuses mainly on Nissan executive Andy Palmer, states that the 24 kilowatt-hour lithium ion battery pack for the EV costs only £6,000 (about $9,000) to produce. That works out to just $375 per kWh, a figure that no one else in the industry is currently claiming is even possible.

Most cost estimates for current automotive lithium ion batteries are in the $1,000-1,200 / kWh range, which means a cost of $28-29 thousand dollars. An entire Honda accord, a luxury model, can be bought for these costs.

Is it just more green scamming going on? I say prove it.

Who is going to be first to buy and actually use these new green suicide clown cars? How much is your life worth to you.

Greece Explained

With Many THANKS to the VlogBrothers and YouTube. The Greek debt crisis explained in four simple minutes in this video. The continuing debt crisis in Greece is getting so bad that even now there is rioting and a fire was set at one of the banks, killing three people. Could what is happening right now in the nation that had given to the world both democracy and the Olympics be a WARNING, a carnary in the coal mine shaft for the USA? Watch The Video:

In which John explains the Greek debt crisis, which has pushed the Greek government close to defaulting on its loans, the reasons why the Euro zone and the IMF are desperately trying to bail Greece out, and what the rising cost of sovereign debt means for the massive budget deficits throughout the developed world.

Thanks to Karen Kavett at for the illustration.

Debt Chart:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why The Democrats Formed The KKK After The Civil War

The campaign season is now just starting up, and the effects of the racists tea party people is just beginning to be felt. So far the racists tea party people have recruited 32 BLACK conservative candidates.

And to prove the point, not only that but they are actively supporting them for election.The New York Times reported:
Among the many reverberations of President Obama’s election, here is one he probably never anticipated: at least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans, the biggest surge since Reconstruction, according to party officials.

The House has not had a black Republican since 2003, when J. C. Watts of Oklahoma left after eight years.

But now black Republicans are running across the country — from a largely white swath of beach communities in Florida to the suburbs of Phoenix, where an African-American candidate has raised more money than all but two of his nine (white) Republican competitors in the primary.

Party officials and the candidates themselves acknowledge that they still have uphill fights in both the primaries and the general elections, but they say that black Republicans are running with a confidence they have never had before. They credit the marriage of two factors: dissatisfaction with the Obama administration, and the proof, as provided by Mr. Obama, that blacks can get elected.

“I ran in 2008 and raised half a million dollars, and the state party didn’t support me and the national party didn’t support me,” said Allen West, who is running for Congress in Florida and is one of roughly five black candidates the party believes could win. “But we came back and we’re running and things are looking great.”
Now you know why it was important that the Democrats terror wing the KKK had to be formed after the Civil War ... The lynching included nearly as many white opponents as it did blacks amongst the total.

I wonder, will they if elected be admitted to the Congressional Black Caucus? You decide

Let's Review The Cause

DEMOCRATS caused the sub-Prime financial meltdown and the subsequent Wall Street problems.

Sarah Palin: On Glenn Beck

Who'd have thought a history buff with a quirky sense of humor and a chalkboard could make for such riveting television? Glenn's like the high school government teacher so many wish they'd had, charting and connecting ideas with chalk-dusted fingers — kicking it old school — instead of becoming just another talking-heads show host. Self-taught, he's become America's professor of common sense, sharing earnestly sought knowledge with an audience hungry for truth. Glenn, 46, tackles topics other news shows would regard as arcane. Consider his desire to teach Americans about the history of the progressive movement: he's doing to progressive what Ronald Reagan did to liberal — explaining that it's a damaged brand.

His love of the Founding Fathers inspires others to learn and respect our nation's history. Best of all, Glenn delights in driving the self-proclaimed powers-that-be crazy. (The whole country awaits the red phone ringing!) Even his critics (whom he annihilates in ratings) have to admire his amazing ability to galvanize everyday Americans to better themselves and peacefully engage their government. Though he sometimes dismisses himself as an aw-shucks guy or just a "rodeo clown," he's really an inspiring patriot who was once at the bottom but now makes a much needed difference from the very, very top.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spill Baby Spill

Don't look for the leak to be capped any time soon.

Incompetence: Oil Spill, It's Way Worse That First Thought

Pakistatni Terrorits: NYC Times Square Bomber

I expect Bloomberg will apologize for this infinitely stupid remark yesterday: NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggests the failed Times Square car bomber may be someone with a “political agenda”… Possibly “against the health care bill.” A tea party person for instance, Mr Mayor? Hah, stuck your face in the concrete on this one did you Mr Mayor ... Otherwise known as NYC's head idiot.

Ask yourself a simple question, is it time we keep the rest of the GITMO terrorist right where they are? I know, he wasn't a GITMO graduate, just saying. Why  feed the al Qaeda recruitment centers.

Sources told Fox News that investigators are focusing on the similarities between the failed attack in New York City and both the 2007 attack on Glasgow's airport in Scotland and the attempted bombing of a London nightclub the same year. Propane gas and gasoline were used in all three incidents. Trail back to the terror rats home base.

He looks very much like the Pakistani white guy caught on camera in the first day's pictures. Here is the typical white guy's photo, who had 115 facebook friends, from his facebook page:

And get this, they actually allowed the guy to board the plane before they forced the plane back to the loading platform and screened everyone. They then took him into custody.

Heck of a security team you have there Obama. Might want to check how he actually got on the plane though.

It's interesting that this fellow was made a US citizen under Obama's kiss-ass to Muslims outreach which started in 2009. How many more al Qaeda sleepers did the program let in to the USA? And where do the released GITMO terrorist really go, is it NYC?

Teen who sold SUV used in Times Sq. scare shocked, not very bright. Ask yourself, can everybody get in to College, sure with no entrance requirements. Here is her lovely facebook photo:

She sold her Pathfinder for cash, no paperwork.

Read more:

UPDATE: He Nearly got away ?? Who to believe when you are floating in a sea of lies about near everything. Despite all the "we had him under surveilance and knew his every step, there is still confusion in the ranks about how he nearly got away:
(Faisal) Shahzad, who had been the subject of a huge manhunt, almost made it out of the country on a Emirates flight to Dubai, with a planned connection onward to Pakistan, according to the officials.

"He appeared real close to getting away," one federal official said. "The plane was buttoned up. Backed away from the jetway."

Authorities said that despite the manhunt, his passport had not been flagged and he was able to buy a ticket with cash and clear airport security.
FBI agents discovered Shahzad's car parked in a short-term lot at JFK airport Monday evening and searched for his name on airline passenger manifests.
The flight had begun to taxi for takeoff when FBI agents ordered it to return to the gate where Shahzad and two others were taken into custody. The other two were later released, authorities said.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oil Killing Turtles In Gulf

Will the news media have a sea turtle in the box on screen when Obama speaks? And to think Obama waited 12 days before doing anything. EPA wasn't on the job until Saturday.

One of many sob stories to come, because of Obama's failure to act quick enough. You do remember what the media did to Bush over Katrina, an act of God. No, ok, try this -- they blamed Bush for everything, not caring for black people, and including blowing up the New Orleans levees.

Sea turtles are open water creatures, unless they are laying eggs, for the most part. A dead sea turtle lies on the beach in Pass Christian, Miss., Sunday, May 2, 2010. Researchers from the Institute of Marine Mammal Sciences from Gulfport, Miss., collected the turtles and will examine them to determine the cause of death...

GULFPORT, Miss. – At least 20 sea turtles have been found dead this weekend along a 30-mile stretch of Mississippi beaches from Biloxi to Bay St. Louis.

While wildlife officials can't say with certainty the turtles, some endangered, died as a result of the oil spill, the number concerns them.

Moby Solangi, director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Miss., said Sunday this is typically the time of year when turtles wash up on shore.
Solangi says even though no oil appears to be on the turtles, they may still have been sickened by consuming oil-coated fish. He says that won't be clear until necropsies are performed on Monday.

Some of the dead reptiles are endangered Kemps ridley turtles.


The founder of the modern day Republican Party lays one on us with this quote: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
— Abraham Lincoln

And describes Obama's problem in a single sentence. Our founder's were obsessed with virtue and character. Not lies.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Obama's Katrina

Yep, the Oil Spill Protection Act of 1990 assigned the major responsibility of oil spill containment and clean-up to the president, hence Obama's Katrina. Congress decided that after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, the private sector could not do the job, so our huge bloated government would do the job, just give them nine days to get right on it.

Specifically, the booms and other equipment were to be stored close to aircraft which could be used to deploy them in a moments notice, to contain the spill at it's smallest possible level ... Apparently after nine days of research and flopping around.

Communists: Dude You Thought They Were Old School Tyranny

Arizona communist appeals for help to fight illegal immigration bill

Leading Tuscon Communist Party USA member, Carolyn Trowbridge has appealed for Party help in fighting Arizona’s new “get tough on illegal immigration” Bill (SB 1070).


The Bill which mandates law enforcement officers to check a suspects immigration status when there is good cause to do so, has drawn anger from the US left, from President Barack Obama down.

Writing in the Peoples World of April 26, Trowbridge who triples as chair of the Communist Party’s Women’s Commission , vice president of the Arizona ACLU and as a leading immigration activist, expressed her anger at the new law.

Vice President of the Arizona ACLU, now isn't that special.