Saturday, May 8, 2010

As Fake As Al Gore's Powerpoint Presentation

ABC recently reported on a letter signed by 250 scientists published in the journal Science. The ABC report starts this way:
Two-hundred-and-fifty scientists have signed an open letter saying they are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation in attacks on climate scientists, saying political action has been derailed.
The letter is accompanied by a cover photo of a lone Polar Bear on an ice berg credited to ISTOCKPHOTO.COM. The photo is a fake with the following note in the photo caption at Istockphoto: "This images is a photoshop design. Polarbear, ice floe, ocean and sky are real, they were just not together in the way they are now."

Wonder why the ABC didn't pick this one up, they do have previous experience with Polar Bears.

What does the use of a faked photo say about the scientific credibility of the journal in question? You deicde.

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