Monday, September 1, 2008

Sun Has First Spotless Month Since June 1913

The sun has gone and done it, shut down it's spots, why no one knows. All we can do is observe. Unlike the global warming hoaxers, real scientist admit when they don't know what the future has in store. The only thing we can do, that would be to take observations from the past, and try and forecast the future. But, it's nothing more than a guess.

Anthony Watts, at WattsUpWithThat has the details of this event. Another post worthy of the time to read is The Sun Remains In a Magnetic Funk, hey you can even learn about the Babacock modelof how the sun works.

Up until a couple of years ago, even isolated episodes of hot weather were proclaimed as "proof" of global warming. Now, however, we have endless reports of unusually cold weather from all over the world but they are always attributed to "normal variation". Could it be clearer that we are dealing with Leftist politics rather than science?

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