Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not All Change is Change

Gateway Pundit has a piece about Ralph Peters and the silent story of Iraqi success and also looking at what change Comrade Obama really talking about. This for instance ... in his New York Post story Liars Round-up, comes this gem
Whopper No. 6: As president, Barack Obama would bring positive change to our foreign policy - and John McCain's too old to get it.

Hmm: Take a gander at Obama's senior foreign-policy advisers: Madeleine Albright (71), Warren Christopher (82), Anthony Lake (69), Lee Hamilton (77), Richard Clarke (57) .
Yes that's right, the brilliance of the people who brought us Iran as the world's terror state, Zimbabwe as the world's murdering Communist thug, and then there 9/11 and all it's runup for the USA, now want to try and do it all over again. And how many terror attacks have there been on the USA or USA interests aboard under Bush, since 9/11. Doesn't anyone think any more?

Peter's main thesis is Iraq's government has performed better than the US Congress, when you consider the people now rate Congress with 12% approval, it's not hard to reach that conclusion.

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