Monday, June 23, 2008

Confidence In Congress

We hear a lot about Bush's low approval rating, somewhere around 28%, but never seem to hear anything about how the Democrat Congress is doing. Well guess what, they are not doping very well. A new Gallup poll shows Confidence in Congress is now the lowest it has ever been for any Institution. It stands at a whopping 12 %. Yep, you read that right, 12 %.
Confidence in Congress: Lowest Ever for Any U.S. Institution
Just 12% of Americans express confidence in Congress
And who has run Congress for the last two years, yes that's right, the party of no name, The Democrat Marxists. It is beginning to appear that Marxism is not a big hit with the American people. Time for change, back to prosperity, back to Republican Congress.

The US military has a confidence of 71%.

Now that the war in Iraq has been won, Iraq's oil is coming to the world market at higher levels each month, near 50 million people are free, what's the Democrats to do. They have a three plank platform for 2008, raise taxes, raise taxes, and raise taxes. That's change.

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