Saturday, June 14, 2008

Get This Crap Out Of My Gasoline

There is a point to be made, anyone with a little science background could have told you that adding 10% ethanol to gasoline will reduce the BTUs in the gasoline by about 3-5% closer to the 5% figure. It's actually elemental, the BTUs go down, the energy goes down, the mileage goes down.

The local gas stations have switched to E10 blend gas and the results are dismal. I've noticed a 2-mile per gallon decrease in fuel efficiency using the ethanol-laced E10 gas. Friends have noticed the same. It's costing significantly more to use the stuff. Where I was getting about 30+ mpg on my usual commute, using E10 my mpg now barely breaks 28 mpg, a 7% drop. The price is the same. So much for the plan to stretch fuel, by adding food, if you add 10% Ethanol at the same price and lose 7% in mileage, sounds to me like this is a loser for the people big time.

With a worldwide oil shortage this has got to rank right up there with dumb. Shouldn't we be trying to stretch our oil supply not use it up faster?

Meanwhile, back at Congress, most of America's oil reserves remain locked up by the Democrat Marxists in Congress. Would someone tell me why people vote for these fools? A planned Marxist economy is only for fools, not educated people.

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