Monday, May 12, 2008

Green Tax Revolt, In England: It Seems They Found Out

In the UK it looks like large majorities of the people have figured it out -- You pay more in taxes, and government will pretend to control the weather. As long as Pelosi fly back and forth to California on a government supplied and fueled jet, as long as lawmakers convoy the 3 blocks to events in monster Chevy SUVs, then I think it's quite proper that the public think that those running around acting like our hair is on fire are just joking and not serious about anything except raising taxes. It's a cruel word, but actions speak louder than words.
Green tax revolt: Britons 'will not foot bill to save planet'

More than seven in 10 voters insist that they would not be willing to pay higher taxes in order to fund projects to combat climate change, according to a new poll.

The survey also reveals that most Britons believe "green" taxes on 4x4s, plastic bags and other consumer goods have been imposed to raise cash rather than change our behaviour, while two-thirds of Britons think the entire green agenda has been hijacked as a ploy to increase taxes.

The findings make depressing reading for green campaigners, who have spent recent months urging the Government to take far more radical action to reduce Britain's carbon footprint. The UK is committed to reducing carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2050, a target that most experts believe will be difficult to reach. The results of the poll by Opinium, a leading research company, indicate that maintaining popular support for green policies may be a difficult act to pull off, and attempts in the future to curb car use and publicly fund investment in renewable resources will prove deeply unpopular.
Works for me ... Now that NASA says global warming is taking a 10-30 year holiday, who is to say that nature wasn't doing the warming all along. Oh sure, man might have caused a small insignificant part of it, and there is no doubt that the Earth has been warming steadily since the 1700s and the end of the Little Ice Age at about 0.5-0.7 C per century, but no where near the catastrophic levels that the Goracle preaches, and surely by any sane metric not enough to warrant destroying our life style.

For the last 6-7 years the Earth has been cooling at an impressive rate of about 0.4 C per decade. It's time to cool it with the hoax.

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