Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sunspot Cycle 24

Not looking good for a March 2008 sunspot cycle 24 start so now NASA has revised the prediction. It's been revised repeatedly before, so don't get your hopes up ....
They now say that May 2008 is a go. I say if you look real close to the graphic from Spaceweather, you see they predict that cycle 24 will be have a roaring start and a future that is as bright as 23. Me, I say I don't know. In the past when the cycle start has been late, the peak has been low. I also wonder how the sun is going to leap into action so quick.

But since it's all prediction, and we know how well those are working out for the temperature, I say we shall see. Man doesn't seem to be particulary apt at predicting the future for nature.

Meanwhile the sun is quite, with just a peep of a spot about every three weeks on average, kind of like it's been for some time now.

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