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Democrats 2009, Jimmy Carter II with a planet to save and Iran trying to blow it up. Not going to be a fair fight.
Being a citizen is a full-time job. If we wish to reclaim our rights, we first must begin by reclaiming our responsibilities. Rights and responsibilities are inextricably linked and cannot be separated.
But it would have been 60 million to 100 million dead had the DDT "ban" not been enacted -- mosquitoes were quickly becoming resistant and immune to DDT. Had we not started the process of getting replacement strategies in place when we did, we would have had complete disaster.
DDT is an acute toxin to most living things, and a carcinogen. In mammals, it's an endocrine disruptor, shrinking the testes and swelling the breasts of men, and in women, causing premature onset of menses and breast cancer. Why in the world would anyone think such a poison could be spread willy-nilly?
So, by those standards, giving the guy the corn will assure that kid something to eat for the rest of his life. That's probably not what you meant.
Perhaps we should stick to the facts in our rants.
Stick to science, it's your friend.
In 2005 the UN and WHO both approved DDT for use in Africa. Both allow DDT's use inside homes and on bed covers, for humans. In fact, it is encouraged that all African homes use it. So much for toxicity.
If you are interested, Steve Milloy has some additional information on the subject and the hoax that was DDT at his web site "Junk Science"
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