Monday, August 1, 2011

Bachmann: Debt Limit Deal Means ‘We Embrace Being Greece’

( – Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, said today on Laura Ingraham's radio show that the debt-limit deal struck by President Barack Obama and congressional leaders is “like saying we embrace being Greece.”

Republican 2012 presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said the debt limit agreement reached by the White House and congressional leaders is "like saying we embrace being Greece."

“My opinion is we’re going to now give the president almost a trillion dollars and then come Christmas time, he’ll get potentially--we’ll find it what the final numbers were--potentially upwards of another, in excess of a trillion, maybe as high as another $1.8 trillion but that’s on top of the other $2.2 trillion spending that we do,” Bachmann said.
“So this isn’t just $2.4 or $2.8 trillion worth of spending. We have the full budget, which is another $2.2 trillion. I mean, these numbers, this is like saying we embrace being Greece," said Bachmann. "I don’t.”

The European Union (EU) recently agreed on a deal that would grant Greece a new bailout.

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