Democrat throws self in shredder.
MARK SHIELDS: Consistency has not been a problem with Republicans. They have endorsed the Ryan plan, which of course does not provide for a balanced budget, and now they are pushing for a balanced budget. 103 House Republicans have already gone on record as saying they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling unless there is a cap of eighteen percent of government spending, federal spending, which is seven percent below what we're spending right now. In addition to that, they insist on a constitutional amendment and to cut spending by half, the deficit by half next year, all of which are impossible. Every serious person who has looked at this, whether in a group or a study group or commission or whatever, knows that there have to be revenue enhancements, taxes raised, as well as spending cuts. And the idea of just trying to do it with spending cuts alone is just irrational.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Democrats have not even produced a budget for 2012.
SHIELDS: The, the, the, the...
KRAUTHAMMER: What's their budget?
SHIELDS: The case is there. The President is on...
KRAUTHAMMER: Where are their numbers, where is the plan?
SHIELDS: The President has...
KRAUTHAMMER: Where are their numbers and where is the plan?
SHIELDS: It's right there in the President...
SHIELDS: Look, I mean, the president in the dealings with Joe Biden, and the sixth, and the Senators and Congressmen. It is there.
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