Sunday, July 24, 2011

Infowars, Terrorism: This Is What Tyranny Looks Like

A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists.

Via Infowars:

Somehow this findings from this December report didn’t make it into the video… In the last 24 months (2009 and 2010) 126 people were indicted on terrorist-related charges in the United States. All of them were Muslim.

This is what tyranny looks like -- The video is part of Homeland Security’s $10 million dollar “See Something, Say Something” program that encourages Americans to report “suspicious activity,” which in every case throughout history has been a trait of oppressive, dictatorial regimes.

In the course of the 10 minute clip, a myriad of different behaviors are characterized as terrorism, including opposing surveillance, using a video camera, talking to police officers, wearing hoodies, driving vans, writing on a piece of paper, and using a cell phone recording application.

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