Monday, July 28, 2008

Petraeus Won't Join Bandwagon For Iraq Withdrawal Timetable

If the plan was to create a bandwagon, a parade of joiners, to get the troops out of Iraq, the adults have said no, parade has hit a stumbling block. The naive one, otherwise known as the moo-Saih Lord Obambi, has been rebuked by the commander who put the surge strategy together. Gen Petraus has said it's conditions based withdrawal, what it always has been, that means when we win and have stayed 'won'. that he will recommend the troops be withdrawn.

My guess is the naive one, whose judgement and character sucks, is not happy, McClatchy reports this morning..
The top U.S. military commander in Iraq isn't buying the increasingly popular idea of a publicly stated timetable for American troop withdrawal.

Gen. David Petraeus, the Iraq commander, said in an interview with McClatchy that the situation in Iraq is too volatile to "project out, and to then try to plant a flag on, a particular date."
Putting it on the line, it's quite obvious, if the naive one wins the elections and tries to force a withdrawal, the General is gone. He is not going to preside over defeat. You want more confirmation
Petraeus has said he believes there will be a "long-term partnership" in which the U.S. acts primarily in an advisory role to Iraqi forces, but with enough combat power to step in and help if major battles erupt. But he said that that like most things in Iraq, plans could change.

"We know where we are trying to go. We know how we think we need to try to get there with our Iraqi partners and increasingly with them in the lead and shouldering more of the burden as they are," Petraeus said.
Any fool, except the naive one, who believes he can jive talk his way through any situation, knows you can't just walk out on commitments. Even those made by others. Only fools and moo-Siahs believe you can do otherwise.

The great rush to elect a Communist will have to wait while longer.

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