You know it when you don't hear about it. At the time of the Gen Petraeus report to Congress, the media were primed by the Democrats to expect a meltdown in Iraq policy. The NYTimes ad was at the ready, "Gen Betray US", the speakers were ready, the committee members were ready, declaring Iraq a failure before the first words were spoken by Gen Petraeus. The stage was set, the stage curtain was ready to rise, the committee leaped into action --- But then finally after all the canned 'we've lost in Iraq' speeches were given, the General took the stand. The 'Betray US' ad was so over the top, it all came tumbling down. Democrats are good at this, overplaying their hand and crashing and burning. Hate blinds, they should know that by now.
Oh, and BTW you Democrats, the parrot media who used to trumpet your story and squelch all other voices is dying, near death. Not able to do it anymore. The new way will be the way from here forward. The Internet age has arrived.
IBD is running the series, here and here are the latest instalments. The media has been doing this for years, controlling the public view on subjects by what they omit. Seen any AGW stories which were not of the alarmist kind?
And on it goes ...

The difference is now fewer and fewer are listening. It is now said that 80% of Americans are wired. Newspapers are dying and TV news is decidedly shifted local.
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