Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rubio Scolds Schieffer: I’ve Seen Lectures… But Where Is the President’s Plan?

Rubio schools dunce CBS Schieffer ... Is there anybody in Washington at the moment who articulates the conservative philosophy more effectively than Florida Senator Marco Rubio?

Rubio was on Face the Nation Sunday morning and dismantled each one of Bob Schieffer’s points, counter-points and regurgitated talking points. I wish more conservative Republicans in Congress could communicate this clearly.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) destroyed Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation this morning. Schieffer tried to defend President Obama for the current catastrophe. Marco wouldn’t buy it.

“OK, so where’s the plan? Where’s the president’s plan? I’ve never seen a piece of paper with the president’s name on it that’s his plan to solve this crisis. I’ve seen press conferences. I’ve seen lectures that he’s given to the Congress. I’ve seen these press avails where the camera comes in and takes a bunch of pictures. I haven’t seen a plan. Where is the president’s plan?“

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