Monday, June 7, 2010

Why Hasn't President Obama Spoken To BP CEO Tony Hayward? Not Once!

Boots on throat make wierd friends I guess.

Bloomberg reported:
BP Plc Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward hasn’t spoken directly to President Barack Obama since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20.

“There is no need for that,” Hayward told the British Broadcasting Corp. in a live interview in London today. “I have spoken to his key lieutenants.”

BP and the Obama administration are working “hand-in- hand” to resolve the spill, he said.
Kind a a weird African way of being in charge, I would say. It sure isn't how an American would do it ... You would conference call there very first day, as a minimum to get the people who know to tell you what is going on. I mean 1990 OPA puts the president in charge of the oil spill containment and cleanup.

Talking through he media and underlinings just seems weird.

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