Monday, June 28, 2010

In Business Case, Supreme Court Today Rules Against Kagan

The Supreme Court on Monday morning ruled against Kagan in a case she had argued as solicitor general when it decided that a quasi government agency that audits public companies is unconstitutional. The board’s members are appointed and removed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and not the president – a violation of Article II of the Constitution, which vests executive power in the president, the court ruled.

The board, called the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, was created under the 2002 law known as Sarbanes-Oxley. Kagan, arguing on behalf of the Obama administration, had made the case that the president appoints and can remove S.E.C. commissioners, and thus, by extension, has control over the accounting board. It was ruled not to be so.

What we have in Kagan is nothing more than an Obama stooge.

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