Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama: Let's Severely Limit Fishing

Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? No, then go get it and watch. It's a hilariously entertaining view of America populated by useful idiots, like Obama voters. Fits the Stalin definition of 'useful idiots', peace jobs and democracy ... Hopey-changers, sound familiar?

The Obama administration has announced that it will accept no more public input for a new federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing some of the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters. Probably didn't like what it was hearing. A point of note, the WWF, World Wildlife Federation is one of the hoax sources for the UN IPCC, see the connections, loony toons all.

Fishing industry insiders have negotiated for months with officials at the Council on Environmental Quality and bureaucrats on the task force. These angling advocates have reportedly come to suspect that public input into the process was a charade from the beginning, according to an ESPN report

I wonder when our Odumboi wants to limit pirate fishing, like the decimation of fish stocks that goes on off the coast of Kenya, Somalia or Indoensia.

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