Saturday, January 3, 2009

NASA's Hansen: Use Global Warming To Redistribute Wealth

The biggest scam in the history of mankind -- A far better way to summarize man made, AGW, global warming -- Pay more taxes to the government, so government scientists can pretend to control the weather, and give your money to THEIR SOCIALIST VOTERS. IBD starts our wealth redistribution discussion off with this observation:
Acting either out of boldness or desperation, Hansen goes on to reveal the environmentalist left's deeper ambition: a collectivist redistribution of wealth. He recommends that the carbon tax be returned to the public in "equal shares on a per capita basis."
NASA's Hansen in his open letter to Obama titled “Tell Barack Obama the Truth – the Whole Truth”, on page five of the PDF Hansen published at Columbia University's website on December 29. He has a more obfuscated way to describe wealth redistribution -- But, this sure has a lot to do with science as well as fixing the planet. Well, at least it is a NASA scientist, who is purported to be in charge of the 'science' of man made global warming, as if there really is any science there, but to come right out and say this, it's amazing. And in public as well.

A rising carbon price is essential to “decarbonize” the economy, i.e., to move the nation toward the era beyond fossil fuels. The most effective way to achieve this is a carbon tax (on oil, gas, and coal) at the well-head or port of entry. The tax will then appropriately affect all products and activities that use fossil fuels. The public’s near-term, mid-term, and long-term lifestyle choices will be affected by knowledge that the carbon tax rate will be rising.

The public will support the tax if it is returned to them, equal shares on a per capita basis (half shares for children up to a maximum of two child-shares per family), deposited monthly in bank accounts.

Take it out of one pocket and put it in another, the magic of government -- And how exactly does this change the climate?

No large bureaucracy is needed. A person reducing his carbon footprint more than average makes money. A person with large cars and a big house will pay a tax much higher than the dividend. Not one cent goes to Washington. No lobbyists will be supported. Unlike cap-and-trade, no millionaires would be made at the expense of the public.

The tax will spur innovation as entrepreneurs compete to develop and market low-carbon and no-carbon energies and products. The dividend puts money in the pockets of consumers, stimulating the economy, and providing the public a means to purchase the products.

A carbon tax is honest, clear and effective. It will increase energy prices, but low and middle income people, especially, will find ways to reduce carbon emissions so as to come out ahead. The rate of infrastructure replacement, thus economic activity, can be modulated by how fast the carbon tax rate increases. Effects will permeate society. Food requiring lots of carbon emissions to produce and transport will become more expensive and vice versa, encouraging support of nearby farms as opposed to imports from half way around the world.

Newsbusters has the details here, which expounds on the genius of a socialist redistribution idiot. Bet you knew all along this is really what was behind the hoax, didn't you.

In the end the sun will win. If the current solar trends continue, it will soon be so cold, the glaciers growing so fast, the sea ice stacked so high, the driveways not shoveled, that Al Gore will be the last person left on the planet that doesn’t know Al Gore is a kook.

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