Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proof AGW Is A Hoax

'Proof' we are causing polar warming melts away in the cold light of reality
On the basis of real data, there is no likelihood of the Antarctic ice cap melting nor of the Greenland ice cap sliding into the sea and causing a 7m rise in sea levels, as has been fancifully suggested. The Argo buoy system launched in 2003 to search for increasing ocean temperatures can find none, nor can the Topex/Poseidon satellite find any evidence of rapidly rising global sea levels, unless you call 2.5mm per year rapid.

The climate industry relies on alarmism to maintain a steady flow of research grants and financial contributions but none of its apocalyptic visions are coming to pass. Politicians should take note.

Weather Pattern Changing
[Anthony] Watts says a major shift has taken place in the Pacific Ocean which will shift weather patterns for years to come.

"The biggest thing that's happened is a shift in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation," Watts says. "We've gone from 30 years of a warm phase to a cool phase. That will have an impact on our long term weather patterns."

But, Watts says it's not global warming or "climate change" that's caused the shift.

It's part of a natural cycle that's been happening for thousands of years.

Due to this new system, Watts predicts extended drought and below normal temperatures for the next five to 15 years.

China Sends Global Warming Ransom Note

China has now destroyed Western hopes for a new global warming agreement, just weeks before global talks in Poland aimed at writing a successor for the Kyoto Protocol— which expires in 2012. China has attached a ransom not to its Polish meeting RSVP: They might go along with a new warming pact if the rich countries agree to hand over 1 percent of their GDP—about $300 billion per year—to finance the required non-fossil, higher-cost energy systems the West wants the developing countries to use.

Bad timing: The U.S. and Europe are trying to bail their financial systems out of Barney Frank’s Fanny Mae/Freddy Mac sub-prime mortgage adventure. “Climate change policies need a lot of money to be invested. However, developed countries have not made any substantive promises about how much they are going to spend on this,” said Gua Guangsheng, head of China’s Climate Change Office on Oct. 28. “And they did not fulfill some of the promises they made in the past very well either.”

China, India, Brazil, and Mexico had already demanded—in July— that the developed countries cut their own emissions by 80–95 percent by 2050. Very unlikely. The EU has loudly boasted of trying to set an 80-percent cut in its emissions, but that now looks impossible. Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Greece are part of a “blocking force” saying says they can’t afford to give up coal and oil during a financial crisis. Especially when the only alternative is imported Russian gas; Russia recently “invaded” Georgia, many think to stop Georgian efforts to build a gas pipeline that would have competed with Russia’s.
If the science is so settled, why do we need "more knowledge about the cause of climate change"?

Netherlands Puts EUR 78 Million in European Climate Research
THE HAGUE, 04/11/08 - The Netherlands is making 78 million euros available for building a European instrument that should carry out measurements of the composition of the atmosphere. "This is intended to gather more knowledge about the cause of climate change and air pollution."

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