Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Communist Obama, Now Has No Clothes

Reading the US newspapers and watching the US TV, you find little if any mention of names like Saul Alinsky or William Ayers. Why? Because they are at the core of Barrack Obama's early formative years in politics -- And yes they were Communists. Saul Alinsky was the person who Hillary Clinton wrote about in her college thesis, and why it was hidden from public view as long as possible.

Both are Marxist in their bent and anti-freedom and democracy in the extreme.

Today we are treated to Saul Alynski Jrs endorsement of Barrack Obama. The Elder, is dead now, died in 1972. Liberals love his book, "Rules For Radicals", it explains in detail how radicals can take over otherwise peaceful democratic governments and use the power obtained for their own desires. From the first page of "Rules For Radicals".
"What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away."
That's your Barry and his change, right there in a few sentences.

Want proof?
Says Alinsky’s son L. David Alinsky of his father’s influence at the Dem Convention: “ALL the elements were present: the individual stories told by real people of their situation and hardships, the packed-to-the rafters crowd, the crowd’s chanting of key phrases and names, the action on the spot of texting and phoning to show instant support and commitment to jump into the political battle, the rallying selections of music, the setting of the agenda by the power people.”

“The Democratic National Convention had all the elements of the perfectly organized event, Saul Alinsky style, the Communist guru’s son wrote in a letter published yesterday in the Boston Globe.
Barack Obama's training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing its effectiveness. It is an amazingly powerful format, and the method of my late father always works to get the message out and get the supporters on board. When executed meticulously and thoughtfully, it is a powerful strategy for initiating change and making it really happen. Obama learned his lesson well.

I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.
It's also a tribute to the deviousness of the Democrat party, to try and pushing the country towards a Marxist society in the model of Communism.

Read the rest at CFP.

Is that the change you thought you wanted? Freedom for change? I think not.

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