Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Massive Economic Stimulus in the Making

After being of the books for nearly three decades, the Congressional ban on outer continental shelf (OCS) energy production expires this evening at midnight. Thomas Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research (IER) issued the following statement:

“Given the integral role affordable energy plays in the health and vitality of our economy, the ban on offshore energy has been tantamount to withholding food from the starving. It defies logic, common sense, and the state of our technological capabilities all at once. Its complete repeal could lead to the biggest economic stimulus this nation has ever experienced, and it could not have come at a better time.”

“Unfortunately, many of the environmental laws and regulations concerning offshore energy production are older than the ban itself, and simply do not reflect the technological breakthroughs that have enabled us to produce energy and protect the environment at the same time. These outdated laws - and those who file frivolous lawsuits based on them, threaten to stop forward progress on greater offshore energy production. That’s why it’s critical for the American people to continue their call for increased production of the energy resources they own beneath federal lands. Repealing this ban is just the start.”
Just imagine a world with no Democrats, we would be drilling everywhere, building new refineries, building new nuclear power plants, building new pipelines, building new coal to liquids conversation plants, building new clean coal power plants, building new transmission lines, and last but not least, kicking up research investment in new energy sources. Yes, it can all be done in an environmentally sound manner.

The inevitable result, jobs created everywhere along the energy food chain, the U.S. economy would be kicked into high gear because of the lower costs of all things oil, prosperity everywhere. And for a boost to finances, a majority of the $700 billion we ship off each year to terror states for their oil, would stay in the good old USA.

But alas, sigh, then the Democrats came back.

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