Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where Are The Peace Protesters ?


Victor Davis Hansen sums it up thus ...
The long-suffering Russian people resent the loss of global influence and empire, but not necessarily the Soviet Union and its gulags that once ensured such stature. The invasion restores a sense of Russian nationalism and power to its populace without the stink of Stalinism, and is indeed cloaked as a sort of humanitarian intervention on behalf of beleaguered Ossetians.

There will be no Russian demonstrations about an “illegal war,” much less nonsense about “blood for oil,” but instead rejoicing at the payback of an uppity former province that felt its Western credentials somehow trumped Russian tanks. How ironic that the Western heartthrob, the old Marxist Mikhail Gorbachev, is now both lamenting Western encouragement of Georgian “aggression,” while simultaneously gloating over the return of Russian military daring.


The Russians have sized up the moral bankruptcy of the Western Left. They know that half-a-million Europeans would turn out to damn their patron the United States for removing a dictator and fostering democracy, but not more than a half-dozen would do the same to criticize their long-time enemy from bombing a constitutional state.
I might also add, the Russians have taken the measure of Obama and found him just right for their plans to rebuild the Soviet Union, and decided to roll troops into Georgia. Not a good sign.

Remember Jimmy Carter? Yes that one, the doofus President? Well he set the mullahs up in Iran so they could have a nice country terror base, plenty of oil money to fund terrorists, and then they could spread their terror worldwide.

Code Pinkers, the Georgians need you now. How about a bus load of human shields. Pick your best. Or are you just another tool of the Democrat Marxists in Congress, seems so. You International peaceniks, Amnesty International, chime in anytime .... crickets, all I hear is crickets. Damn crickets.

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