Monday, July 14, 2008

Schwarzenegger Blasts Bush on Global Warming

This administration did not believe in global warming,” Schwarzenegger told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

That’s true, everybody knows President Bush is a Christian, don’t they? And that Christians have only one God.

Schwarzenegger wants everyone to ‘believe’, that way he can raise taxes in the name of that belief, which repairs his stupidity in budgeting and deficits. Which BTW, under California law, the State cannot have a deficit.

Pay more in taxes for the belief, so government can pretend to control the weather. It’s all about taxes.

If you want to read the rest of Schwarzenegger’s stupidity, it’s here, but why bother. You should already know the ‘believer’s’ lies.

Now you know why California is going in the toilet.

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