Sunday, July 20, 2008

Numbers are Rising, Even In California

Polls nationwide say people are coming to their sense regarding the stupid bans on drilling, building refineries and new nuclear power plants. The latest from California Field Poll
A strong majority, 63 percent, want shipping terminals to import liquefied natural gas, a condensed and super-cooled fuel that critics say can turn into a fireball if it leaks.

Fifty-one percent still oppose offshore drilling. But that opposition appears to be softening. The last time the Field Poll asked about offshore drilling, in 2005, 56 percent of Californians opposed it.

California law prohibits new nuclear plants within the state until the country has a long-term solution for handling radioactive waste. But Orange County Assemblyman Chuck DeVore said Californians are starting to see the technology as a way to cut greenhouse gas emissions. For the past two years, he has pushed legislation to lift the moratorium and says he will do so again.
Those changes in sentiment could have big political ramifications. Energy costs are becoming a crucial issue in the presidential campaign.

It's becoming clear how the Democrat Marxists and the environmental Marxist work hand in hand to build a phoney façade of scaremongering and panic to prevent new energy from coming to the market.

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