Monday, June 2, 2008

Final Fantasy

Cap and Trade == Tax and Spend

Pay no attention to who is causing the real problems. Cartoon credit Red Planet Cartoons.

Here is comes, the biggest threat to freedom ever cooked up by the rulers in Washington. they have completely forgotten that they serve the people, not the people serve their pleasure, in the their headlong quest to institute a top down Soviet style command economy -- By control and rationing of energy.

Remember, Pres Bill Clinton tried a similar thing in 1993 with his outright carbon tax, which failed spectacularly, but it was without the supporting cast of the global warming hoax alarmists. Same thing, just a better supporting play act this time around. You get the feeling Democrat Socialists never give up, they just repackage? It's like Ground Hog Day, the movie with these freaks.

Definition: Comrade Obama's collectivism ... That's Harvard speak for Communism.

This week the esteemed idiots in the US Senate will attempt to destroy the US economy in one single act of desperation. They obviously think their government supplied education has been far more successful in dumbing the population down than it actually has been.

The simple fact, there is not one shred of scientific proved evidence that man made global warming is true much less catastrophic. The science is now completely against the notion that man has warmed the planet with this newly discovered CO2 science. It's all about a rationing scheme, you pay more in taxes, and government will pretend to control the weather. In fact when you look at all the facts in a clear light, you see that we would be far better off scheming on ways to survive the next ice age than worrying about some mythical warming scenario.

Ice age -- Don't laugh, those 200 bushel an acre corn yields are going to become history in the event of a turn down in temperature, other crops are going to be seriously effected as well. Google up "late crop planting" and see how it's going this year, not good, as the cold lingers. The southern hemisphere is not doing any better, it's winter there right now. The sun is quite, has been for two years running now.

Here is the AP's take on this trillion dollars in new taxes, cooked up by the stellar intellect of none other than Sen Barbara Boxer, a giant amongst midgets, or is that a midget amongst giants, oh well, eithe r way works for me.
Most senators acknowledge that climate change poses a major environmental threat, but getting agreement on how to deal with it is another matter.

The Senate on Monday will take up legislation that calls for cutting carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases by about 70 percent from power plants, refineries, factories and transportation by mid-century.

But the bill's chances of passing the Senate are viewed as slim as its supporters are not expected to muster the 60 votes needed to overcome a certain filibuster threat. Prospects in the House are even less certain.

But both Democrats and Republicans appeared eager to debate global warming and both sides are preparing a string of amendments for later this week — some to make the legislation stronger, others to weaken it.

GOP senators hope to focus on the potential economic impact of the legislation, predicting the shift away from carbon-intensive fossil fuels like coal and oil will lead to higher costs for electricity, gasoline, natural gas and fuel oil for heating.

Meanwhile Democratic sponsors of the bill are trying to blunt the cost issue by proposing to funnel tens of billions of dollars a year to help people pay their energy bills, ease carbon-intensive industries' transition away from fossil fuels, and spur development of alternative energy sources.
Notice they will avoid having to tell you that it will cost you plenty and do nothing, absolutely nothing in return.

It's just energy rationing ... control of your life by rationing what energy you can use. It is un-American at it's very core, and stupid at the very best.

A simple test, if we don't substitute nuclear power for the lost coal electricity generation, then what do we do? Simple, we return to the 1920s level of energy use, that's what a 70% reduction means ... You ready to return to a 1920s lifestyle?


As a sidebar, I don't think predicting the next ice age is any more scientifically sound than predicting the warming caused by man, it's just a simple fact that the observable science points to a coming ice age not fireball. A good place to observe all things sun related,, a collection of real time data from various satellites and observatories that are watching the sun. Yes. it's a ham radio operator who runs the site, VE3EN.

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