Thursday, June 19, 2008

Congress Cannot Deflect The Blame

IBD editorial, must read.
First, Democrats dishonestly blamed oil companies for overcharging. Now they falsely accuse them of keeping their high-priced oil off the market. With public support for drilling growing, Congress is panicked.
As well they should be, the blame is with the Democrats in Congress. The Democrats have blocked oil exploration and drilling, blocked new refineries and blocked new nuclear power stations. And now these same Democrats tell us the answer is windmills. Well I have news for them, has anyone seen one of these monstrous windmills lately, their gargantuan size, the noise they make, some alternative to a small oil well near silent pumping a way. An oil well has a much less intrusive footprint than one of these stupid windmills.

The old drive-by parrot can no longer bottle up the truth leaving people to believe the lies and propaganda the Democrats spew packaged as truth -- The AP is the worst of the lot, I doubt the AP know how to report the truth. The AP has become nothing more than the DNC house organ.

President Bush asks Congress Wednesday to lift the 1981 drilling ban on offshore oil well exploration and drilling. The no-drill Democrats will call it flip-flopping. Drill here, drill now, pay less, change you can believe in.

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