Monday, June 16, 2008


"Ignorance. the most expensive commodity produced by mankind"
----- Rush Limbaugh from his radio show

“This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.” –Che Guevara

Probably not what the waifs had in mind, but it is what Che Guevara had in mine. I doubt they know. He was after all a murdering communist counterculturist, that means he was a murdering tyrant in waiting. Waiting while he convinced enough stooges to follow him and crown him king. Sorta like a Fidel without a country, yet.

If you believe that Cuba is a prosperous place with a burgeoning economy and wonderful health care, as the America Marxists like to portray it is, then I have some swamp land I would like you to look at, as soon as the tide goes out. Because you really are a fool.

So why would Comrade Obama have Che look-a-like tees on his website for sale?

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