Wednesday, June 18, 2008

CO2 Chases Away The Sunspots

Scientists not sure why Sun ‘continues to be dead’

My guess is that this is just another phenomenon like hurricanes, floods, droughts, and snow in Baghdad, that can be traced back to human-generated CO2 increases.

Fortunately, the Carbon Tax proposed by Rep. John Dingell, et al, will probably cause sunspots to return soon... maybe not in as many numbers as before, but before the sun goes out forever.

Meanwhile, earth remains in a cooling phase oddly coincidental with the sunspot decrease. This proves that CO2 is driving climate change since it causes sunspot decreases which have been linked to a cooling climate.
No longer can we just talk about global warming attributed to anthropogenic CO2 increases. We must now speak about Climate Change... either warming or cooling causes by driving SUVs.
The debate is over!

.. Stolen post from here. I couldn't stop laughing, the reasoning is so spot on.

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