Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Simgle Biggest Failure Of The Hoax

While worrying about CO2 emissions, the Senate's upcoming Marxist top down "control your economy and pretend to control the weather" climate bill’s most notable failure is it does not suggest the CO2-free energy option, nuclear energy, to solve the problem. This simply indicates a lack of seriousness in solving the CO2 problem, just the desire to collect more in taxes.

Like with the illegal alien problem, that didn't control the border or enforce existing laws, the lack of nuclear power in the climate bill is all the clarity you need.

France now generates almost 80% of its electricity using nuclear energy, and it also enjoys some of the cleanest air in the industrialized world. The US has 103 nuclear power plants which supply about 20% of our base electrical load. There is no reason that nuclear power shouldn't be supplying 90% of the US base load, except for the very same Democrat Marxists in Congress. They are blocking all energy sources, including nuclear in order to constrain supplies on the market.

And now you know.

Democrats in Congress, raise taxes fund socialism and gun control. It's your job to provide the links between the first two and the last.

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