Monday, May 5, 2008

Open Letter To Environmentalists

Here is an open letter from John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel regarding the global warming cult religion. Read it via NewsBusters.

Right now, the environmentalists are pushing for listing of the polar bear as endangered. Just recently the Canadians refused to do so. Why may they want to do this? Because then they can sue every thing in the US economy that contributes to global warming which is causing the polar bears to go extinct -- Which is not true. Polar bears have weathered far warmer climates than today, they thrived when the Boreal Forests lined the Arctic Ocean.

They always go too far. I predict the polar bear may just be that bridge to far for environmentalism. Polar bears are not endangered, there are more of them now than in the past, since hunting has now been brought under control.

And no the Arctic ice isn't going to melt, but it has completely melted in the past, long before your SUV was around.

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