Thursday, May 29, 2008

McCain-Lieberman Climate Change BS

Yeah, I know, McCain changed the bill's name to Lieberman-Warner, to try and hide, but as far as I am concerned, it remains McCain-Lieberman -- And this turkey is a disaster for the US economy. Gas in my state is predicted to go to $6.76 a gallon, nice decrease, hey San Fran Nan. And the electric bill will go up by 44%. If that isn't enough to stagger the US economy, all the green collar jobs in the world will be required to figure out how the fraud works. Here is a poster from the US Chamber of Commerce ... The bureaucracy is just oozing from every fiber of the page as tyranny sets in across America. All for a hoax, you pay more in taxes and government will pretend to control the weather. How cool is that, that people would be stupid enough to buy it.

Heritage Foundation has the state by state wrap up of the new taxes. It adds up to about $1 TRILLION total. Nice round number don't you think? And what will we get for all these new taxes, exactly nothing. It will do nada, zip, nothing to change anything with the climate. Won't have any effect, so says the CBO. It's all just one big lie, foisted upon the ignorant government school educated populace.

Democrat Socialism, that's all it is. Another big LIE.

And the genius behind this whopper ... Senator Barbara Botoxer - A real dim bulb in the same league as Maxine Waters, if their ever was one.

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