Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chickens, Roost, Meet Obama

Underpinning the key character question of "why did he stay" is a more ominous problem for Democrats - the question of what liberals believe.

The truth is, liberals don't find Reverend Wright shocking. Liberals find themselves nodding in silent agreement with much of what he preaches. Furthermore, they aren't offended by the notion of rewarding a domestic terrorist from the 1960's with professorship at a major state university. Even more damaging is the notion that they really don't practice zero tolerance on racism and bigotry -- they're happy to ignore it if it's being practiced by part of their base.
More here.

As an example, they had just tried to immortalize Rachel Carson, the founder of 'fake science, she is responsible for getting DDT banned and killing tens of millions of African children. Why would anyone want to build a monument to that horrid story? It boggles the mind the things Liberals believe.

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