Friday, May 23, 2008

Blame Washington, Not Oil Companies

Senate Democrats, dragging executives from five major U.S. oil companies before them for a second day, say they're alarmed by our "failed" oil markets. What they should be is ashamed.

After all, it's mostly the fault of the Congress that we're in this mess. True, the Big 5 announced profits of $36 billion in the first quarter, as oil breached $100 a barrel and just kept going. This prompted nothing but contempt from Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin this week: "Where is your corporate conscience?" he asked the oil executives, forced to sit and listen.

Well, markets have failed. But the failure is due to Congress' refusal to let oil companies drill on federal lands, thereby cutting sharply into our supply of crude as world demand grows and prices soar both here and abroad
So ... exactly what do we replace markets with Sen Durbin? Tell us, don't try and hide, be like Maxine Waters did Wednesday, be up front with the plan -- SOCIALISM, right Senator? Socialism, the biggest failure ever known.

The markets did not fail, the have been forced to restrict supply because of government. It's becoming obvious that the Democrat Socialists in Congress want to nationalize oil companies and take over the energy business, what for you ask, as a way of controlling people.

A direct assault on capitalism and the free markets, followed by an assault on individual freedom of Americans. Why do you think these Democrat Socialists attack Walmart, big health care, the mortgage industry ... all an attempt to get you to support them taking over control of industries.

More here.

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