VOG == Volcano belch. Sulfur dioxide and who knows what else comes out of the end of a volcano. Most is toxic.
The Kileuea Volcano in Hawaii has been active lately. Sulfur dioxide produced by the active volcano was at such a high level that it actually forced Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to close for two days - 2000 people were evacuated as well. The park reopened on April 10, 2008 when the winds, back to a trade wind pattern (out of the northeast), finally blew the sulfur dioxide and "vog" (volcanic smog) away.
This image was captured by the MODIS on the Aqua satellite on April 9,2008. On the left half of the image you can see the large cloud of vog over the ocean. The Hawaiian islands are on the right half of the image, beneath the hazy layer of vog that caused so many problems.
Sulfur dioxide's effect on the atmosphere is "acid rain" and we know how pleasant that is. Don't bother to look it up in wikipedia, the liberal claptrap science infestation is way to high to get any useful data about greenhouse gases from wikipedia. The US just went to ultra-low sulfur diesel to try and get rid of sulfur dioxide.
Corks for volcanoes? Don't think that would work. The cool thing about volcanoes, they belch 24/7 regardless what man does about it.
The image is from the Aqua satellite which was made operational in 2002.
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