A strong mandate should enable Berlusconi to push reforms through parliament, but many Italians are disillusioned with politics and doubt any government can quickly cure the ills of Italy's fourth-largest economy.Like I say, sometimes you need pain to make gains. The issue is the economy that the greens and the communists crippled. Like with France before, the people act swiflty.
The big loser of the election was the left. Excluded from Veltroni's Democratic Party, the Rainbow Left, made up of communists and greens, fared so badly it may not win any seats.
McCain Lieberman, oops forgot, Warner Lieberman, the giant cap and trade debacle now working through the US Congress will add 1.2 Trillion dollars in new 'green taxes'. Yes, the bill was put together by John McCain, and then the name changed when it became unpopular. So the GOP is in trouble as well. Destroying the US economy is not a winning strategy. Nor is starving the world's poor on the stupidity of ethanol.
More here about the leftists loss in Italy. It's really good news for free people everywhere.
Lenin, looks a lot like Obama's campaign poster doesn't it?

Obama from his campaign website ...

There's a whole lot of hoodwinking and bamboozling going on here. I have to wonder why the leftists and the drive by media are all in a swoon over this collectivist Obama. Could it be they see him as their ticket to installing Communism in the US Government?
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