Monday, April 21, 2008

"Tiny Tim" Sun Spots

Are sunspots that are too small to be seen with age old monitoring equipment polluting the data built up over the eons, to the point where it's meaningless. In the last years we have witnessed the "Tiny Tim" effect with tropical storms, where every little wave in the atmosphere is assigned a name.

Both effects make meaningless the whole historical record, which is far more voluminous than the modern record. Solar Science has some more here. Drawing conclusions from the new "Tiny Tim" records to try and make a point that say hurricanes are more numerous, makes the whole worthless. I say we use 1800 century techniques and technology as a means of continuing the historical records.

I am not willing to call the start of sunspot cycle 24 until there is an unambiguous showing of major spots of the property polarity.

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