Wednesday, April 23, 2008

They Ignore Oil

Democrat President Jimmy Carter stated repeatedly that by the year 2,000 all the oil on Earth would be used up and we needed to invest in sweaters now and prepare ourselves for the inevitable. Misery and malaise spread across the USA, we even invented a "misery index" to show how bad things were. Jimmy conducted fireside chats to help people adjust. Most people just laughed at the fool, but since he ran the government, he could do real damage to the economy and the economic well being of the country.

During the Presidential campaign of 1976, Democratic candidate, Jimmy Carter, made frequent references to the Misery Index, which by the summer of 1976 was at 13.57%. Carter stated that no man responsible for giving a country a misery index that high, had a right to even ask to be President. Carter won the 1976 election. However, by 1980, when President Carter was running for re-election against Ronald Reagan, the Misery Index had reached an all-time high of 21.98%. Carter lost the 1980 election to Reagan in a landslide -- People had had enough of fireside chats to last them the rest of their lives.

Carter was a false prophet and turned out to be the problem, not the solution. There are a lot of Carter parallels to the current crop of Presidential wanna-bees.

Meanwhile ...

Here we have the biggest head in sand that has ever infected our political leadership in the USA. Not since Democrat President Jimmy Carter did his one man wrecking ball act on the US economy has there been so much ineptitude in Washington. In the mad dash to return the US economy to the pre-civil war days, the politician's ignore the obvious. The US economy runs on oil, and will for the foreseeable future -- Period. Nothing is going to change that.

All in the name of an obvious hoax, science education being what it is these days ...

Do you know how the hoaxers draw those scary looking graphs? Do you know what positive feedback is? No, then it's how you draw the scary graphs. It's not science it's fear mongering.

As for CO2 as a greenhouse gas, CO2 is a minuscule part (0.038%) of the Earth’s atmosphere, but the politicians don’t want anyone to know that. Why? Are they afraid that even stupid people will put one and one together and come up with two, that the hoax is based on a minor insignificant part of the atmosphere, a part that allows our carbon based lifeforms to thrive? Without CO2, plants would die, ever heard of photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight, light energy, into chemical energy by living organisms. The raw materials are carbon dioxide and water; the energy source is sunlight; and the end-products are oxygen and (energy rich) carbohydrates, for example sucrose, glucose and starch. This process is arguably the most important biochemical process, since nearly all life on Earth either directly or indirectly depends on it. It is a complex process occurring in higher plants, phytoplankton, algae, as well as bacteria.

In other words, our very life depends on the conversion of CO2 and water to plant material and oxygen, which we and other animals then eat and breath. Read that again before you condemn CO2.

I wonder, is education in government run schools this bad that processes like photosynthesis are not taught in school these days? Doesn't anyone in the general population understand physics and chemistry anymore?

So why ignore oil, and drilling and refining new oil. Simple, for 60 years politicians have searched for ways to control people in the USA. They are too free, they use too much they produce too much, was the cry. So now, they have developed a scare monger's approach to the whole affair, scare people by claiming the planet is doomed, unless we act now. The fight is coming in June, when the McCain-Lieberaman "cap and trade" fiasco is coming up for a Senate vote in June. Oh yeah, I forgot, it is now called Warner-Lieberman, since McCain is running for President and doesn't want you to know he was the original sponsor. This stupid bill will cap the CO2 emissions and make many people very rich. Power companies stand to gain from this farcical piece of legislation. Many other companies will try and get filthy rich of this scheme. Companies like Al Gore's, stand to profit enormously from this climate hoax. How someone goes out as a public speaker for a policy that then stands to gain from the policy is beyond me.

In the UK the high court has labeled his movie fiction, and cannot be shown in schools without so noting and showing other views which correctly portray the Earth's Climate.

There is plenty of oil, 95% of the US shoreline is off limits to new drilling. Other wastelands are now called wildlife refuges and declared off limits, like ANWR. ANWR was called the WASTELAND OF THE NORTH, nothing is there but a few people who go there to see that nothing is there a few months out of the year, when it thaws out.

So the task that has been accep[ted by Liberals, like Jimmy Carter before them, is to destroy US capitalism. Liberals hate it, it empowers people, listen to what Obama and Hillary say, not what you think they say, they are MARXISTS in every definition of the term. MARXISTS seek control over over people. Here is a dictionary definition ...
... the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Karl Marx; notably a theory and practice of socialism including the 'labor theory of value', dialectical materialism(A Marxian term, look it up), the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society
Karl Marx's most famous writings, the "Communist Manifesto". The people must be ruled, fairness is the methodology, and the end result, which never seems to show up, is a classless society.

Class warfare, which party exposes class warfare? Democrats, they use the language of we need to make Walmart pay, we need to "tax the rich" for the public good. Class warfare is all they are preaching and Karl Marx handed down the doctrine of their religion.

Obama when asked about lowering the capital gains tax, specifically that it had produced higher revenues to the treasury, he said "It's not about the money, it's about the fairness". You should stencil that on your forehead if you are an Obama voter. Wear it proudly, they will probably make up some song you can sing.

I have one that I am saving for the occasion ... a short verse goes like this ...

Hey Hey
Ho Ho
Where do my job go

Sing it you will need it. Jimmy Carter would be proud.

Meanwhile, if you want something to watch that should give you a chuckle, here is the 1970s version of global warming, global cooling. Yes that's right, the first try was we are all going to die because the ice age is coming and we are causing it. some of the cures, like spreading carbon black over the poles might seem a little humorous but it was real. Note some of the people named in the video are the very same who are now pushing the global warming hoax -- Yes same ones. They just hope you are young enough to not know.

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