Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Let Them Eat BioFuels

Food prices are rising, people are going hungry and the EU doesn't seem to care. OK, so people are starving because the world has decided to burn food to replace the evil oil.

Why not change, well it's obvious, because to do so would bring down the whole house of cards of the global warming scam ...

"You can't change a political objective without risking a debate on all the other objectives," which could see the EU landmark climate change and energy package disintegrate, an EU official said.

The article linked above is worth a look for the simple reason that it refers to the biofuels scam as a 'crime against humanity'. And it is ...

UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food Jean Ziegler told German radio Monday that the production of biofuels is "a crime against humanity" because of its impact on global food prices.

The hunger and starvation that will be on your TV screens within 12 months is a real problem facing real people today. It is going to be badly exacerbated by the past winter, which refuses to go away. Spring planting in many areas of the world is on hold because the ground is too cold and too wet for seeds to germinate. This is not a mythical problem made up by agenda driven activists that may or may not affect the planet in the future. Green activists seem willing to sacrifice real people for a myth generated by phony computer models. That is a crime against humanity.

They have done it before. Greens kill. They contributed directly to the death of 35 millions, mostly children, in Africa with the DDT ban, and now they'll let more die for a fraudulent response to a global hoax.

That is a real crime, and when we watch the familiar images of dying children in Africa I hope that someone will point a camera at Al Gore and ask him -- "Why?".

There is no alternative to oil, might as well face that right now. Unless we are willing to use technologies such as coal to liquids and coal to gas technologies, there is no answer. For fixed power plants we could always use nuclear, it's much cheaper than coal.

Recent oil finds and near production include the Bakken formation and by the end of the year, Thunder Horse in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, Brazil says their new discorvered filed contains 33 Bbbls and will be in production in a few years. Now if we in the US could only drill off our coast and in Alaska -- WOW would that make a difference. Technology and time will do the rest.

Are you beginning to notice that leftists never seem to think things through before their emotions take over?

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