Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hurricane expert reconsiders global warming's impact

One of the most influential scientists behind the theory that global warming has intensified recent hurricane activity says he will reconsider his stand.

The hurricane expert, Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, unveiled a novel technique for predicting future hurricane activity this week. The new work suggests that, even in a dramatically warming world, hurricane frequency and intensity may not substantially rise during the next two centuries.

The research, appearing in the March issue of Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, is all the more remarkable coming from Emanuel, a highly visible leader in his field and long an ardent proponent of a link between global warming and much stronger hurricanes.

His changing views could influence other scientists.
There goes the neighborhood. Several scientists have said that hurricanes appear to have increased in strength and frequency because of the considerable building that has gone on along the shorelines. That has clearly been the case around where I live. Just ten years ago, more than half the development was not here.

More here.

To get an idea how bad the drive by media censorship is, put the name "Kerry Emanuel" into google and see how many news stories there are about his new finding. I found 4 hits when I did it. I wonder why the media is censoring the story? Could it be that this does not fit their agreed upon hysterical narrative? No way, right? Since this is the scientist who was quoted by Al Gore, you think that might have something to do with it. You be the judge.

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