Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Command And Control Economy

Quick lesson, in less than two short years we have learned the Democrat party is no better than the old Soviet Union at the command and control economy.
Big-government, command-and-control technocrats believe that when central planning fails, the solution is a better plan and smarter planners. They never step back and look at whether planning makes sense in the first place. This was true of the Soviet Union, with tragic five-year plan after five-year plan. It was true of Communist China, with Mao’s revolutionary upheavals. And today, here in the United States, it is true of government energy policy.
The failures are legion.
U.S. dependence on imported energy continues to reach record levels while no commercially viable biofuels have been produced. At the same time, the government-subsidized burning of our food supply to create ethanol has both increased carbon dioxide emissions and driven up food prices at a startling rate. This must end.
As I pointed out repeatedly, there is no difference in the CO2 from ethanol or gasoline, it's only the increased production costs(energy), the wasted water and land deforestation that is lost in the shuffle. Did you know for instance, it takes 3-6 gallons of water to produce each gallon of ethanol? Deforestation is going on worldwide in the stampede to grow higher profit crops, at the expense of food.

Read the rest here. Millions have died for the DDT hoax, we are now on our way to sacrificing more millions at the alter of Gaia.

Name one thing ever done by liberals which has actually benefitted mankind. Just one.

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