Friday, March 21, 2008

Saddam's Iraq Did Work With Terror Groups

First off, to restate the obvious, it never was claimed that Saddam was involved in the 9/11 attacks, it never was claimed that Saddam was coordinating with al Qaeda. Never said that Iraq supported al Qaeda. It is only in the minds of some liberals that this tripe came forth. What was said is that exactly what is being brought out in the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) report, Iraq worked with and supported various Islamic terror groups.

Who can forget, Saddam giving money to every suicide bomber who attacked Israel? But that is old news, right?

Can't we all be honest, all Islamo-Fascists are the same, have the same objective and work by and towards the same ends. The beloved Islamic caliphate that recaptures world dominance for Islam preached in the 7th century.

Bush didn't lie, and the liberals had access to all the facts before the Iraq war vote. After seeing the facts the liberals said things like Hillary Clinton said, they just now want to disavow it. Like Sen Jay Rockefeller, the only one to say Iraq was an eminent nuclear threat, those statements live forever, enshrined in the Senate transcripts. After seeing the facts, the liberals demanded a vote in October 2005 to prove they were on board ...

This was tough to figure out? For whom?
Newly declassified documents show a number of links between the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein and violent terrorist or Islamist groups, many of them dating from the early 1990s.

A Pentagon-funded study of the documents failed to find a direct link between Saddam and al Qaeda, the group that carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. But it did establish Iraqi support for Egyptian Islamic Jihad, whose leader Ayman al-Zawahri merged the group with al Qaeda years later.

The papers also show that Saddam's Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) maintained a working relationship with Palestinian terrorist groups, secretly sent representatives to meet with them and trained scores of non-Iraqi Arabs to attack Israel.
Read the rest here.

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