Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Proved False -- Theory of Man Made Global Warming

Science works like this. You propose a theory of how something works. You make a hypothesis based on your theory. The hypothesis is tested, either by experiment or by some measurements. Measurements confirm theory. Theory is good until further notice. Measurements don't confirm theory. Theory is "No F'ning Good". The boys and girls of the UN noticed CO2 increasing. Proposed the theory of man made Global Warming due to man's CO2 generation and increasing atmosphere CO2. Measurements deny global warming, while CO2 continues to increase. Man caused global warming theory based on increase of CO2 is "No F'ning Good".

End of story ...

Need new theory, Plan A is a dismal failure. So the boys and girls of the UN had to look for something else. The boys and girls at the UN go to plan B. Climate change is due to increased CO2. New theory to be trotted out real soon now.

And in the meantime, stop telling the world to cut down on CO2 emission just to please this fellow Rajendra Pachauri, or whatever the name of the current UN IPCC climate charlatan is.

Man causes global warming, man causes global cooling. Now if we only knew how, we could make it just right.

This is the monthly Hadley land and ocean and UAH MSU LT temperatures over the last decade plotted with atmospheric CO2 overlayed. Note the temperatures have not warmed. Note the correlation with CO2 has vanished the last decade for both data sets.

Read more here.

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